Jun 28, 2018

In Which Anna Loves a Trim

Anna is growing her hair out and doesn't want to cut it, but I insisted it needed a trim.  So we squeezed that in yesterday and I splurged and let her get her hair washed while there too, which she loves.  She is gaga with how much healthier it looks now.  She said last night before bed that she thinks she would like to get trims more regularly because it feels so much more refreshing and soft and clean now.  🤣😍  Precious.



Is it just me or is she growing into such a lovely thing?  I just keep staring at her!


Emily said...

I personally love the wavy hair! But only because the straightened hair makes her look like a teenage Barbie doll head :)

Kimberly said...

Well, feel better then because the wave is back in real life. This was just the pretty shine from an actual blow dry.