Aug 15, 2017

First Day of School 2017/2018

We drug our feet about officially starting school after a summer of squeezing in school hours here and there and throughout anyway.  Last week we eased in with some half day stuff.  


Here in mid-August, I am STILL not in the mood to commit to it being time to go full on into school days, but I let Lasa's PDO start dates push me into getting starting, too.  Fine.  Whatevs.  

Gosh, those are some good-looking kids, though, right?  And, wow, getting this pic was sooooo much easier than I thought it would be having to get toddler to participate.  She rocked it! 


She rocked it right onto into her classroom, too. I was so proud.  Toddlers were weeping and wailing as their parents passed them over the gate into the classroom.  They were having to be held by the teachers.  My Lasa?  She walked right up and could not get in fast enough.  She didn't even look back.  It was awesome.  My toddler rocks. 

Usually, we do first-day-of-school doughnuts, but every year there is that peanut risk and we are plain tired of second guessing this treat.  So my kiddos voted for breakfast milkshakes at CFA and I was happy to oblige.  Noah even downed his first ever pill - a feat which has vexed him so before now.  Swallowing pills whole is no joke, y'all!  (for anyone who's curious - it was a Lactaid pill ... thereby allowing him to have said milkshake)

I adored a slow easy breakfast with these two without a toddler.  Does that make me a bad toddler-mom?  I don't think it does.  But it might.  And I am ok with that.  Toddlerhood, too, will pass and I will be back on top of my game.  Ha!  In the meantime, Lasa is attending two PDO programs for a total of 3 days a week from 9-2.  She laughed in the face of their nap schedule there, btw.  My 3:00 napper was NOT having an 11:45 nap. No way. Lucky for us (and them), she was sweet otherwise.  These fun things came home from school with her.

Oh yeah - the big kids and I had an AWESOME first day back at it.  We eased through so much stuff and THOROUGHLY enjoyed not having any fussing interruptions at alllllll.  It was glorious.

Love these two kiddos.  Love these days homeschooling with them ... even when I wanna pretend it's still summer. 

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