Jan 3, 2016

Frist on Saturday

Besides gorge ourselves on football, Minecraft, and Legos this last holiday weekend, we also made ourselves get down to Nashville for a field trip to the Frist.

Technically, I already counted this school day in our December count because originally this was gonna happen before Christmas when Josh was off.  But then the kiddos got sick and we lost our best days for it and after that we just lost our oomph for it in all the holiday hullabaloo.  But I was determined to make good our school day count, so that field trip got had this weekend after all.  The main destination was, course, the Michelangelo exhibit for which I had had Noah read a kid-friendly biography back in December to give it all a little context.  We also got to see an Islamic Art gallery exhibit, Phantom Bodies gallery exhibit, and a Shinique Smith gallery exhibit.  With three kids in tow, we moved through them at a steady pace and only managed to set off one alarm for getting too close to the art. :} Then we high-tailed it to the kids ArtQuest area of the museum where there was much more noise and everything to touch and create.  Josh breathed much easier up there, too.  

Noah tried sculptures first.

Baby's first art museum!

Anna drew her model, Daddy.

Noah drew the intended model ... until he didn't.

By the end of the sketch, Noah had added 4 legs with goofy feet and called it a monster.  I assured him artists had every right to take those liberties and we went to the next station to have it mounted.  

Both kiddos' finished products are headed for the wall in Daddy's office.

At this station, the kids were recreating some tiles they saw in the Islamic Art gallery.

Josh tried his hand at sketching while he waited.

Can you guess what little lady Noah drew here in Daddy's arms?

Anna made a stop-motion movie.

And, as always, could not resist the pull of the block table ... in the toddler section. :}

Afterwards we crossed the street to check out The Historic Union Station Hotel that Josh has always wanted to see for himself.  It was impressive!


We topped this outing off with our first (and probably last) ever experience at a Jimmy Johns and settled back in at home for some football, Minecraft, Monopoly a la iPad (Noah KILLED us), and Legos.

Fun fact, Legos were the bait for which Lasa rolled over for the first time that night!  She helped Joshua in the destruction of Ai in the kids bible study lesson that night.  True story!


Amy Faye Brown said...

I'm with you on jimmy johns. Blech. And a little expensive for a sandwich.

What a super fun weekend!

Kimberly said...

Seriously! I wondered how they stay open at those prices ... for that food.