Dec 25, 2015

Christmas 2015

Josh has had this entire week off for Christmas, so we have thoroughly enjoyed the freedom and fun that goes with us all being together with nothing pressing on our schedule.  Before the big day came, we got the kids well while Josh did the visit with Lasa's mom.  Then, it was Star Wars time, baby!  My people were super pumped for this day to finally arrive.  I took one for the team and stayed home with Lasa, though I might have thrown myself a mental pity party all the while.

Noah was eager to keep me company the following day, however, when I went to see it myself. :)  He felt so powerful knowing the movie before me.  He {may have} made it hard to watch because he kept {helping} me understand what just happened and what was about to happen in every other scene.  HA!

We had a gingerbread house to make the kitchen festive this week.  Josh and I both agree this is the kids' best one to date.

We enjoyed finding a steal of a deal on Groupon for Christmas cards this year and are so pleased with our final product for 2015.

Even more, we enjoyed everyone else's Christmas cards that came rolling in.  This year, we started filling up a wall with them and they will probably be the last holiday decor we take down, we enjoy them so.

Midweek, we squeezed in an impromptu dinner at our house with our friends, the Mosleys, and their three boys. Between extra bodies, active boys, Christmas decor, and baby gear all over the place, it was a full house indeed, but the fellowship with their family was so relaxed and honest.  We were so glad things worked out to hang out during a week when we figured everyone would be busy with family visits! 

The night after, Christmas Eve, we met up with them and the rest of Redeemer Church for a Christmas Eve service we shared with another local church, Faith Presbyterian.  It was a fitting carol, scripture, and worship filled night.  And - bonus - the kids got to hold fire again!  Lasa tried to handle flame, too,  but I was ready for her antics. :}  I was not ready to get pics of the beautiful evening while holding baby AND a lit candle, so I have nothing to show from that night.  Trying not to think about it. :(

Also on Christmas Eve, the kids got to open a present of their choosing.  No surprise, they both picked boxes with the familiar jingle jangle of Legos. :}

Lasa opened up this gem of a toy, Sophie the Giraffe, and it was an instant hit.  Except for when it makes her scream because she can't get it in her mouth just right.

After the Christmas Eve service, we cruised the neighborhood for one last look at all the Christmas lights and then Josh and I settled in for that last minute scramble to set up Santa and wrap a few more things we forgot would be from us and not the Big Guy. :S  We might have been grumpy and sweaty before it was all accomplished.  The wild goose chase on tiptoe for boxes that fit right didn't help either.  HA! But in our defense, it is freaking 75 degrees this Christmas!  What in the world?!  And, as you can see, we virtually set up camp in the living room. No small feat.

Santa left Anna the stuffed-full-of-surprises stocking, the single-person tent she asked him for, bunk beds for her American Girl dolls, and a messload of brand new markers which she was desperately in need of.  

He surprised Noah with the kayak, the maze ball, and a Star Wars book he wanted plus the light saber in his stocking, which is the one item he asked for from Santa.  

Christmas morning found my kiddos squealing at all the goodies and scrambling to facetime Memaw and Papa John so they could watch them open the presents under the tree.  

I had a baby on my lap and all the gift opening was pointed at the iPad for our sweet virtual company, so my pics of the great unwrapping are somewhat limited.  But you know how these things go.  Fun, in a flash!


This Phineas and Ferb set was Noah's favorite thing from us, the new release movie Pan, 

and this hefty Lego set.

Lasa got these kicks and outfits from the sweetest Memaw there is.

 Anna's favorite gifts from us include the hair stylist chair for her dolls,

 this magnatiles set, and a Little Live Pet that parrots back your words to you. 

Lasa didn't know what all the fuss was about...

but she has enjoyed her new phone just the same. Maybe now she will stop grabbing for mine.

Lasa's intrigued by the play table Santa left for her, too.  She needs help to stay standing at it, but that's part of the thrill. :)

Josh got a new winter hat from Carhartt, some cologne, and a belt clip for his phone. I got a new, super duper dust buster (which I adore), a crock pot (which I am trading in for a massage), and my personal favorite ... a selfie stick!! We need practice at this, but, knowing me, it'll come.  Ha!

Tonight we wrapped up the last ornament/discussion on our Jesse Tree again.  I asked the kids to smile for the camera with the completed display.  They gave me some lackluster zombie smiles instead. :/

I attempted a retake asking for a little more life in their eyes.  Josh walked by and did a fake toot to liven the party up.  That did the trick.

Faith, flatulence, festive fun, family - all in one shot.  Real life!
Merry Christmas, y'all!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Your week looked full and fun!
Happy Christmas!

Kimberly said...

I see y'all's was pleasing and merry as well! :)

Emily said...

What a fun Christmas! This year ours was a bit muted like. I just wasn't into Christmas with all the junk we're dealing with...and feeling bad. Though my Christmas present from Jesus (aside from being my savior) was NO. MORE. NAUSEA!!! Christmas Eve...nothing...then the next day, nothing...the next, nothing! I can desire food again!!! Merry Christmas to me!

Kimberly said...

Well, three Christmas cheers for that! Bring on the whirlwind that will be January! Just power through that long and you will be home free to settle in slowly after that. Let us help however you need!