Apr 10, 2014

Outdoor Anna

Just a few shots of my Anna out of doors this week...

I have no idea what is happening in my darling's head in that first shot.  She found more sand in her ears on the way to school this morning thanks to the second shot.  And the last two shots are proof of why her fingernails are always packed with dirt. :S I snuck up on her weeding my garden for me just then.  She is excited to get to planting later this month!


Emily said...

I know this one is about Anna, but OH.my.GOSH. NOAH looks so OLD! I think it's his confident look and the hair…oh my dear Lord, let me touch his head of hair. Do not cut that head full of hair before you visit me…I repeat, do NOT cut off that hair on that boy's head.

Anna, girl, you come pull as many weeds out of my yard as you want my dear. Maybe we'll go shopping for some flowers to plant in their stead :)

Can't stinking wait to see you guys.

Emily said...

ps…I'll admit…I like being outside just as much as Anna seems to like it, but the sand picture….that made me cringe just a little.

Kimberly said...

Aaaaaaaah! We just cut it Sunday ... and this pic was taken Saturday. : / Had to get it back to a manageable mode for Easter. Ha!

The allergist yesterday said the same thing ... that there is just a more grown up look to his face than last year. I can see it.

Emily said...

FOR REAL?!! BUMMER!! You should have posted that shot sooner. Maybe Labor Day weekend? :)