Jun 15, 2013

Outtakes From This Week

It's been a busy, dare-I-say hectic, week.  Daily I have been reminded what an introvert I am and that I need down time alone at home to feel normal.  So next week we will have to tone down the number of planned events.  It's just not right that summer should be more stressful that the school year, right?

Anyway, some outtakes from this week include discovering a second (and much larger) snake in the back yard.  Thanks for the heads-up, Chewie! 

Right after our Sunday night bible study met, we witnessed two wonderful rainbows right out the back door. It's a pity my camera didn't capture the color ... or the second rainbow.  Just trust me - it was there!  And I have a handful of kiddos that screamed praises off the banister that night to prove it. ♥

Anna commandeered her Daddy to discuss the creation and location of a stand-up swing she has designed in her mind.

Lots of swimming took place since it finally got hot around here.  We had some friends over to swim, too, but I went off camera-duty that day.

Noah's very last t-ball game ever.  Next up, coach-pitch baseball in the fall.

More swim lessons ... capped off with a ride down the slide that Noah was excited to do.  It is just me or does he look TINY there?

One of three playdates.  I felt so overwhelmed, I actually cancelled on two playdates, which is not my style.  Then again, neither is a busy, busy, go, go, go week, so something had to give. :S

After an evening trip to the park, it was time to hunt fireflies.  Why not?  We were already up waaaaay past bedtime anyway.

We hunted til we discovered we were being hunted ourselves ... by mosquitos.  :S  Noah was a firefly catching machine, though, catching 4-5 in a single handful!

The week was topped off by Noah's Closing Ceremonies for t-ball ... which Josh said was a zoo, so we just took a quick pic with his Little League trophy after all was said and done.  The actual trophy was a nice surprise since last year all they got was a medal.

Throw in three dental visits, an HBO mini-series that we were obsessed with, having more friends over to swim, discovering Chewie has another UTI, fielding some head-lice news and fears (thankfully we were in the clear), and getting prepped with Father's Day goodies and you have a packed week for the Browns.  I'm beat!

1 comment:

Emily said...

eeek!!! that snake was HUGE!!!! ay yiy yih