May 29, 2013

Ending an Era of Anna

Oh, don't mind me.  I'm just thinking about how today is Noah's last day of school and how that also means that it's Anna's last day of having me all to her herself (and vice versa) on a regular basis.  For two years it's just been my girl and me and it has been a sweet, silly, sometimes sassy, run.  What a trip.  So blessed!

Never a dull moment. :} And I am sure that trend will follow us into our home school days which, by the way, Anna thinks she will be my assistant teacher for.  I know this because she keeps coming up with ideas of things we can do and ways we can do them when "we home school Noah."

She is one lucky, type A girl.  When I was a child, my friends and I played pretend school all the time.  This girl of mine will get to take part in the real deal!

1 comment:

Emily said...

awe!!! Love the last shot :) So cute!