Aug 10, 2012

Anna's New Obsession

My baby declares she has found her calling in life:  art (well, after having babies ... something she already prays and thanks the Lord she will have one day).  She said today, "I know what I can be when I grow up:  A mudder draw-er to draw fings for my mudder desk."  Indeed, she is filling up this mother's desk bit by bit!  Take a look at all her works of art these days.

Her rock collection and a play doh version of it.

Fireworks and several self-portaits .

 More self-portraits, an invented glow all over flashlight, a rocket ship, Jesus, a swirly-q, and an untitled work.


A heart for Noah.

Anna in the rain.


This doesn't even include the works of art that get lost and/or thrown away when she isn't looking.  Or the posters she has made with Josh that hang in her room or the ones she sends to work with him.  Or the million other easel screen shots I don't capture before they are erased.  The girl has a creative streak and it makes my heart smile to see her apply herself for such extended periods of time. :)


Laura Koslowsky said...

awesome! Our Leah is that way. We had to create a craft closet & room to house all of the supplies and kits that were taking over our house. I absolutely love seeing children's art.

Emily said...

I'm impressed :)

Kimberly said...

I've designated a folder for her to keep her favorites in, but I don't think that will hold for long. :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

pinterest has some cool ideas for preserving and displaying her art :)

Elizabeth Bradley said...

:) Looking forward to seeing the fun ways you preserve and display her art... and share it with others too. I'm sure those Anna masterpieces could bring smiles to lots of faces.

Kimberly said...

Oops. I thought I was allowed to throw them out after I preserved them here on SB! :O