Nov 27, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving's not Thanksgiving without a little this


and this.

Scary!  Emily was a trooper, though.  Don't worry about me, I stayed outta the kitchen except for making my annual deviled eggs, which are the extent of my cooking skills, really. :)

Besides the good eats Emily and Lee pulled together to mark the holiday, over the course of our visit to GA the kids did a lot of this


and this.

And amazingly, there were almost no kiddie squabbles the entire visit.  That's unprecedented!

Then we took a few family photos and settled in to watch Auburn pull out another exciting win in the Iron Bowl.  I love holidays almost as much as I love football season, so I am in hog heaven this time of year.

As soon as that game was over, Josh and I piled the kids into the car and drove off into the night in order to avoid holiday traffic altogether, pick up the dog, feed the fish, greet the freezing temps., and hurry Noah off to the doctor first thing this morning.  Because, really, what's a visit with family without the sharing of germs, anyway?  Makes the holiday magic last a little longer, I say. :)

Anyway, driving all night is a stinker of a job, but we're glad it's done, glad to be home, and we're excited to pull out the Christmas trains and decorations today.  Hoping you are all enjoying this holiday week!

1 comment:

Emily said...

we are all set for Christmas our tree up and decorated yesterday! Good times were had this Thanksgiving!