Sep 7, 2010

WPTM #24: You Did For Me

What Parenting Teaches Me #24: You Did For Me

When people coo over my babies and say kind things about them, they are automatically on my good list. When people compliment my babies and give them candy, coins, balloons, what have you, they get big grins and thanks from me. My heart swells with pleasure as if I were the one being adored. It might as well be me because of how intimately connected to Noah and Anna I am. They own my heart; they ARE my heart. So when you are good to them, you have been good to me.

This sort of transference makes me understand even more what Jesus is saying about the heart of God when he says in Matthew, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." I have always gotten the point of that message, the facts. But now, with the heart of a mom, I totally get that, the sentiment. The love I feel for my babies gives me a better view of the depth of God's love for people.

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