Mar 31, 2010

Cousins on a Couch

How is it possible that my sister FINALLY comes back to TN with her girls for a visit and I don't manage to take more than this one lousy shot the entire time they were here?

Must be because all the fun, activity, shopping, and sunshine passed us by at warp speed. Or these 4 monsters-in-adorable-kiddo-skins just wore our butts out. Who has time for snapping pictures when you are outnumbered and trying to save the chilluns from killing themselves on swings, slides, stairs, and bubble stealing/screaming capers?

Seriously though, we just passed the last 3+ days thoroughly enjoying the company, conversation, and kiddie cahoots. Counting down to our next visit with my sister and her family.


Emily said...

haha! It looks like we had a terrible visit from the looks on their faces! Good times!

Kimberly said...

I'd say they look worn out themselves. :)