Mar 17, 2010


I can feel it brewing. Something's coming soon along our adoption way. And I don't just say that because we received a note from our case worker saying our approval should be completed within the week (which I take to mean it will probably be two weeks). There have been other conversations, coincidences, readings, thoughts, timings, expectations, just stuff, that make me feel like something's coming. Makes me feel kind of excited. And jittery.

For now, the latest is that we are still waiting on our home study approval and that it is nearing. And we now have several children picked out to inquire about as soon as that happens. And now siblings are not out of the question. Still not Plan A, but not out of the question.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Super exciting! I was just thinking about your adoption journey yesterday and wondering where the process was at with the home study... and if you were making a list of potential children. :)

Kimberly said...

That is what is most exciting for me at this time - actually bookmarking kids that, at first perusal, seem like they would fit our family. We didn't see a single prospect a few months ago. Now, the list goes longer than the screen. Encouraging.

Heather said...

Have you been glued to Laura's blog like I have?? It's been so neat to see the two of you walk through this whole process and exciting to see Samuel now with his "forever family". Can't wait to meet your children someday!

Kimberly said...

Heather: Girl, you know I AM glued to her updates. I was just thinking how wonderful they were at keeping everyone posted along the way.

Laura Koslowsky said...

Hi Kim,
Life is crazy right now so I haven't been on the computer since we got home...I should really be sleeping right now but needed a little "me time". Samuel is bonding very well with me and is extremely clingy with me. That has been hard for Leah especially. He is also still on Seoul time so I am getting very little rest these days. Pray that Samuel bonds with Kevin, David and Leah well soon and that we will soon fall into a nice routine. I am so excited to hear how your adoption moves forward. There's the little guy stirring now. Hopefully we will get around to updating the blog regularly again soon.


Kimberly said...

Hey Laura - praying you find more time to come up for air. But also praying that you enjoy drowning in all the holding, hugging, playing, and soothing that goes hand in hand with FINALLY having that boy in yours arms! Give him time - I know you are. His whole world has just been rocked; I imagine he's hanging on for dear life.

Still reveling in the joy of knowing you have him and you have him home.