Sep 26, 2009

Where Jesus Lives

Noah had me reread a Sunday School Lesson to him today. We got to talking about Jesus. I said something about how Jesus wants us all to come live in heaven with him someday. And it occurred to me that Noah might not know what heaven is. So I asked.

Me: Noah, do you know where Jesus lives?
Noah: In the Bible!
Me: Well yes, kind of. Jesus lives in heaven.
Noah: With Caillou?!

I have no idea.

Then, later today I was telling my mom about the conversation. She asked him again where Jesus lives. Noah's answer: church!


Emily said...


sosagtsie said...

Lol - how cute!

Isaac was talking about how our Granny died and was up in Heaven with Jesus today while I was videotaping. Off camera he had been telling this whole story about God and Jesus and how everyone loved everyone...Then - on camera - he said that he didn't like Jesus.
