Sep 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

I love September and I love Fall - Welcome, Both!
I got my hair cut Thursday (inverted angle bob-type)
We went to our second PATH training Thursday night
Anna started walking Thursday - Woohoo!
Josh, Anna, and I went to lunch while Noah was at his gym class
Relaxed a LOT - Played outside a LOT

College Football - need I say more?!
Went shopping and out to eat as a family
Anna is really coming out of her a clown! :)
Anna cut her second tooth
Caved in and gave Anna another early b'day present

Almost completely transitioned Anna to milk
Anna walks and walks and walks now...and falls, too

Noah enjoyed his new game: Ants in the Pants

I skipped church for a migraine and Anna's nap
Noah learned about Jesus' "boo boos" at church
Got Noah new sandals to last the rest of the warm weather
~ His current sandals stink too much to wait out the season
Cut down all the bushes in front of our house

Went through a lot of classroom stuff to reorganize/downsize
Grilled out with steaks - yum!
Reset up our Little Tikes playset for Anna to use


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Such fun memories!! Your list makes me feel SO unproductive... you accomplished quite a lot in just a few days! I love fall too... though I prefer October to September. :) And am so curious about your PATH training... lots of questions running through my mind, but I'm taking a week to process and pray through them so maybe I'll email you next week with my thoughts.

Kate LaCasse said...

I hear you on the sandals! Elliott's have smelled so bad for while now that I really should get him some new ones!

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth: Well you have a point...October is better for weather and actual holiday...September is fun for back-to-school and football season starting! As for any questions, ask away. :)

Kate: Good luck finding sandals this time of year. I had to hit 4 different stores. Mostly sandals are selling only in clearance sections. We did luck out at Rack Room Shoes, though.