Sep 10, 2009

Fitness Dunce

Josh and I were out for lunch today while Noah and Anna were at school. I was lamenting the fact that I have been going to the gym for 8 months and have not lost the weight I thought I would have lost by now - I can't even say I have lost any at all. So we began brainstorming a list of more changes I could make to meet my weight loss goals. Dieting, NutriSystem, Calorie Counting, Alli, Strength training, etc. I tell you, I need constant coaching from Josh and my sister to even understand how all the pieces of exercise, food, and body fit together. And I get bored and impatient just working through those facts. My other problem is that I am not willing to make a full time job out of trying to eat right and work out - I just want to not be in plus size clothing is all. And I wanna get to that end quicker! That's when I had an epiphany... a specific thing that should cure my weight loss woes! The conversation went something like this and left us falling out of our chairs laughing.

Josh: yada, yada, yada, something about burning more calories than I take in...
Me: I need to find some pill that will cause me to burn more calories all day long.
Josh: Uh, that would be Speed, Kimberly.
Me: Ok, then. Where do I get me some of that?


Heather said...

Ha! Too funny! Wonder how Noah and Anna would take to you being on that all day! I don't know anything about drugs, but the name speed makes me think of the Road Runner. Maybe you'd have your house clean, laundry done, and dinner made in record time! :)

Emily said...

Hm...don't even think about about Speed would be 1. Illegal and 2. Cause for Heart attack.

I know it's frustrating, Though I'm not in plus sizes...when my Dr. told me to lose 6 pounds, I thought it'd be easy, but for 6 months, nothing happened...then I had my tonsils out. Done. Maybe you should just get your throat cut out. :)

Kimberly said...

Heather: Record time for sure. And Josh says it would make me edgy...and I said Lord knows I already have enough edge! :)

Emily: Yeah, caught that on the dangerous and therefore illegal part. :) That's why we cracked up. You lost 6 lbs with your tonsilectomy? Who knew tonsils weigh 6 lbs?! :)

Kate LaCasse said...

I tell myself that I weigh more than before I got pregnant because I have so many muscles from lugging Elliott around. :)

Kimberly said...

Kate: Amen to that!