Jun 28, 2009

Over the Weekend

  • Took Anna to dr. for her 9 mos. check up: 70%ile height, 10%ile weight = Stringbean.
  • We left Thursday for Alabama for a couple days:
  • Took Noah to the Kiddie Carnival there in Athens.
  • AC in the car started acting up: ugh - fortunately it is still under warranty.
  • Drove to my beloved Unclaimed Baggage Store in Scottsboro: I got 14 books there (for only $60!) and Josh got 2 more train cars.
  • Made plans to go to Chattanooga this week: Gonna hit the Aquarium, Discovery Museum, and Ruby Falls, and of course, the pool at the hotel
  • Watched Inkheart on Demand: eh, it was ok.
  • Anna walked with her push walker for the first time.
  • We officially stopped doing night feeding with Anna: We top her off before we go to bed, and so far so good...then again, it has only been 1 night. :)
  • I am working on printing my blog in book form year by year: it is so easy to do and will be a great keepsake to have in case the blog world ever loses all these posts.
  • We decided when and how and with whom to proceed with the next adoption: We are going to go through AGAPE for a child between the ages of 3-12. Our next immediate steps are getting our home study updated and going through PATH training again in the coming months.
  • Kids played in the pool again: all Anna did was try to crawl out the entire time - story of her life - never sit still.
  • Our church cancelled all 3 services on all 3 campuses today for some of that flu outbreak happening to an increasing number of the middle and high school campers that just got home from camp.
  • It was funny to me when I overheard Josh telling Anna on the way to the changing table that her poopy diapers were unbecoming.


Emily said...

Unbecoming...I like it! haha Natalie NEVER sits still either...not even if you try to hold her...she'll wiggle out until you're barely hanging on to her underneath her arms. Yeah for Anna starting to use the walker!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Printing your blog in book form? What a great idea... do share the details on how to do this!

Adopting Again = Exciting! Looking forward to hearing all the updates on this new adventure! My sister is fostering 2 little boys right now - with hopes of adopting 1 - and hopes that the other will be reunited with his family. :)

Listening to Tenth Avenue North? They're one of my favorites. These days I find myself listening over and over to "By Your Side." Certain phrases speak to my heart every time. Random thought... my younger sister went to college with them and a couple of years ago they sang "Beloved" at her wedding. We're from Wauchula - which means we don't really associate with "famous people" - so it's strange to me that I heard their music before it was recorded and released.

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth: the State agency we wanted to go through isn't even taking any applications because 1. they don't adopt out, only fostering right now and 2. when the kids do go up for adoption, it is typically to their foster families. 3. They weren't even taking applications for foster parents! That is how well things are going in our area. We were shocked! And that is too cool about y'alls connection with Tenth Avenue North! By Your Side is the one I keep playing over and over, too. :)

Kimberly said...

Printing your blog is easy. There are a couple of options: blog2print.sharedbook.com is the simplest I have found and there is also one where you download the software and it give you much more control over layout, details, etc and that is the one I am using. It is found at www.blurb.com. :)

Heather said...

Ohh...love the idea of printing your blog. Great keepsake forever!

Alison said...

I have grand plans of printing my blog out (on blurb too) for each year. Haven't even started and I am not expecting much to change over the next few months :). Can't wait to see how yours turns out!