Jun 22, 2009

Farmer Brown

Noah brought in 14 tomatoes today from his garden with his Daddy. I was sure impressed! And no sooner had my proud little harvester come in the door and handed them off to me than he was sitting at his picnic table telling me to bring his "ahtemos" (tomatoes) to his "tabbo" (table) so he could eat them. Uh-dorable. Fortunately, he was very understanding when I explained they needed to ripen a little more before he could gobble them. Thankfully, there were two left from this weekend that were red enough for him to eat whole...which he did. And then we took this shot of Noah with his precious crop.

Josh says we can expect about this many every 2-3 days. I was quite surprised by that number and Josh just laughed at me saying I have clearly never planted tomatoes before. And he would be right. I am the kinda girl who grew up in cities and on air force bases. That is a lotta concrete ground!


Emily said...

that is one grown up looking boy! What a cutie!

Kimberly said...

It's funny how a picture provides a different perspective like that. I thought the same thing after seeing the picture, but that hadn't occured to me before and while I took the picture. Maybe it's because a picture gives you the opportunity to stop and really observe what you don't observe in the split-seconds of life.

sosagtsie said...

So cute! And, even though my momma was a country girl and I grew up with big veggie and flower gardens, I didn't realize that tomatoes sprouted that much either! I have no green thumb whatsoever.....

good for you guys!