Jun 19, 2009

Smitten with my Anna

Anna, I love you. Oh my goodness, how I love you. You are a treat...a precious treat to us from the Lord. You are downright funny, and precious, and innocent, and trusting, and perfectly lovely. I adore you in a million little ways.

I wonder if I treasure you too much. Am I too overcome with joy in you and getting to be with you and getting to watch you grow? It just feels like this happiness is too wonderful to possibly last. I already contemplate how we will relate when you are a teenager and an adult and I pray our experiences together as you mature do not mirror those I had with my own mother. I wonder if I will ever measure up for you when you are grown enough to take that sort of opinion. I hope I can bless and challenge and lead you in a way that causes you to rise up, not rebel. I know you and I will have some clashes ahead in our path. Goodness knows we have enough already and you are but 9 months old! But oh, the little thing that you are stirs an emotion in me that is hard to express and I just know it will always be there no matter what comes of the days of your life.

Anna, I love you. I will always love you. I am your biggest fan.

I find in these baby days of yours that I am in love your soft white skin and the gentle curve of your legs to your heels to your feet. I love our quiet moments in your bedtime routine. I am growing more and more fond of your clingy/cuddly moods ... complimented that I could possibly settle your heart and calm your mood. I love how curious and therefore aggressive you are for such a little thing. I love how you obey, or not, and the look on your face when you do or don't yield. I love how you have inspired me to love pink, love dressing you, and love having a baby around again (maybe a little because I know we won't do this baby thing ever again). I love the shape of your little lips when you cry, the twinkle in your eye when you smile, and the relief and expectation on your face when I come in your room to get you out of bed. I love the roll of your laughter when you play with Noah and how you squeal and coo to yourself when you play alone. I even love your piercing exhale that sounds like some squawking shrieking pixie. I love how you do it just because you can, just to remind us you are in the room. I love how, like clockwork, you konk out at bedtime while I feed you. I love how you look me dead in the eyes with those eyes of yours that look like mine. I love how your hair is finally growing and gets so easily mussed up. I love how you love Noah and I love how he just can't keep his toys, hands, head, and feet off you. I love how you grunt and huff when you are trying to pull to standing. I love how you yank your daddy's glasses off his face in a split second. I love how you always have your feet crossed whether sitting or laying down. I love how you play with your ears and pull your hair when you are sleepy. I love your pure, warm breath. I love how you try to kiss back...except your little mouth is wide open and all drooley. I love how you chuckle to yourself when you sit up after you have just eaten. I love how you don't pay any attention to the TV. I love how you hold the bottle with your feet sometimes. I love how you play with my face and my hair while I feed you. I love how calm you are when you are outside. I love that you still don't have any teeth. I love how excited you are to take a bath. I love how you like to swing real high and how you love to play Airplane Anna chasing Noah with your Daddy. I love how you twist right out of my arms to reach your daddy. I love how your face lights up when he gets home.

Anna, I love you. Oh my goodness, how I love you.


Unknown said...

That just warms my heart. She sounds like a real blessing and joy. Those baby moments make me so eager to share them with my baby.

Emily said...

that was really sweet Kimberly...that should go in a scrapbook for her. You're writing -while I hate to be all cheesey- is really touching, personal, genuine, sincere. She'll love reading all those feelings and thoughts you have of her when she's older. Just maybe not when you tell her she can't be out with her boyfriend till 2 in the morning. haha.

The White Family said...

I agree with Emily that you should put that kind of thing in a scrapbook for her. When your fighting when she is a teenager, she can look back on it and remember how much she is loved!

Heather said...

Sweet...just plain sweet!

Alison said...

This almost makes me excited about having another baby around...almost :). Very sweet!