Jun 6, 2009

Anna at 8 months

Anna's Into:

Pulling, grabbing, yanking my hair when she eats
Crawling to the furthest reaches of the downstairs
Anything Noah's doing
The remote control
Pulling up on anything she can reach
Laughing at Noah
Chewing on her crib
Shaking/Patting/Banging things
Eating Puffs (finally!)
Taking baths with Noah
Her Daddy
Unloading her basket of books
Sticking her tongue out
Any and all of Noah's cars and trains
Riding the wagon and/or her walker outside
Playing airplane chase with Daddy and Noah
Chewing on her slinky and Noah's measuring tape
Playing with my keys
Going to bed at or before 7:00 pm

Anna's NOT into:

Giving up her 3:00 a.m. feedings
Growing any teeth yet
Noah's rambunctious ways
Loud noises
Sudden Noises
Sitting Still
Trying sippy cups
Being put down
Being walked away from
Having her face wiped
Being in her carseat (1/2 the time at least)
Her toys not doing what she means for them to do


Emily said...

the NOT into's are pretty funny! Like Noah's ranmbuctious ways...there is the first big/major difference in the personalities of our girlies...Natalie is ALL ABOUT rambunctious...
Mom/Dad said Natalie cried for 15 minutes on the way to meet me but it felt like 2 days! haha. And we even turned her around facing forward too!

Unknown said...

She sounds like she's got lots of spunk! Happy 8 months!