Aug 4, 2020

Lasa's First Day of Kinder

All the quarantine and covid and mask mandates and school-or-not strife finally wound down to the first day of school here in Sumner County.  We did not opt for the virtual academy Sumner pulled together as an option, but are happy to send the littlest Brown off to a real kindergarten experience in person, if the universe will continue to allow it.  School starts off hybrid schedule for now (half the class, two days in person, 3 days at home with some online stuffs I think) and will shift to full-time in person later this month unless the covid sky falls in some more and we all land in the red.  Middle and high schoolers have to wear masks, elementary kiddos are only strongly encouraged to.  I have packed Lasa one and will reward her at home if she wears it any and won't fret it otherwise.

Look at the first day preciousness that was Lasa!  She is gaga for her new backpack and the lunchbox inside.  She picked out her outfit herself.  Apparently, she is an animal print fan, someone pointed out.  She was so on board with going to Kindergarten finally, she made picture taking a breeze.  Quickest first day photo success ever!

This one's my fave.

I walked her in to the kinder hallway and they swooped her off to the gym so fast to wait for the day's teacher to pick them up.  I thought there would be more goodbye moments.  It was weird to not be depositing her directly into a classroom with her actual teacher.  That won't be assigned til later this week, in fact.  First day was just for testing.  The questioning look she threw me over her shoulder as one lady (in a mask of course) ushered her away was so panicked and unsure, I had to hold back tears on my way out the building.  I called "I love you! It's ok, baby!" and then prayed to the Lord that he would comfort my precious girl if she felt fear now that it was go time.  I felt helpless.  She sure looked fearful.  I felt sick. I was surprised by this!  We thought about her all day long and were quick to be back before 2:30 for pick up.

Once she spotted the car as she was brought out, her face lit up and so did mine.  She was tired and asked if we would stop asking her questions about the day.  Ha!  She asked if we could talk about it later.  We squeezed a few more answers out of her anyway and then we got her a Frosty on the way home to celebrate. 

For anyone who likes kinder details, we got the following out of her:
  • She made two friends, whom she didn't remember the names of until later that night - Victoria and Audrey.  (here's hoping either one of them will be assigned to her same class)
  • Yes, she liked it enough and "definitely" wants to go back next week. It was "super duper duper duper duper duper duper amazing!" (she would have gone back this Thursday, but it's election day so schools are closed for that - boo)
  • She did cry one time (or almost cried?) when she was supposed to tell the class about the picture she drew (which was of her and me and her backpack in the school by the gym door that morning, bless it)
  • Her favorite part of the day was "luwning (learning) and listening."  She learned about what to do during a tornado and how to wash your hands the right way.  She got to "peek" at the office and nurse's station and the library too.
  • When I asked if she liked eating in the lunchroom, she corrected me.  It is a "cafeteria" thankyouverymuch!
  • She wasn't able to pack her containers back in her lunchbox correctly, so we will use smaller boxes.  She did snap them all closed all the way, so yay!
  • Her teacher (for the day) was nice.  Her teacher didn't make her do the picture talk when she got stage fright.  Mrs. Scheaffer shared the details FOR her. (Thankful for her gentleness.)
  • At pick up, the school counselor mentioned to me how quiet Lasa was when she came to visit the students that day.  She asked if that was normal.  I assured her it was.  Hopeful she can overcome her shyness eventually! Thankful for a school counselor that already notes such specific details about the kiddos on day 1.
We should hear by Wednesday or Thursday who her teacher will be and that is who she will report to Monday morning, though I can't walk her in next week.  Eek!  Praying for just the right temperament match for our shy and smart girl.  I know the Lord will be over this. Thankful!


Amy Faye Brown said...

She seems to be so confident and Kindergarten should be such a fun adventure for her. Can't wait to read all about it!

Kimberly said...

Same here! You missing Kinder any more this year?

Kimberly said...

Probably not when you consider it through the pandemic lens. Yikes. I am so glad I am not in the classroom.

Amy Faye Brown said...

Actually, I am missing it. I would love to be there charging the way through this newness, but my path changed and I'm ok with that.

Kimberly said...

I like that! That you aren’t intimidated or tired by the idea of pandemic public school. And that you have contentment with where you are instead. That is from the Lord! Blessed.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

This post made me smile big... actually I enjoyed reading all of your recent posts. But to think about how far your family has come in this journey with Lasa, I found myself rejoicing with you in all the answered prayers and steps of faith as I read about her big day. Hooray for Kindergarten!

Kimberly said...

Your comment and one from Susan (from Jonah's Journey) have been a real gift to me - a reminder to let this milestone cause me to praise the Lord again for his providence and faithfulness in her life thus far. Thank you!!