Nov 4, 2019

F is for ...

Friends at Brushfire Pottery.  This was a birthday gift to Anna from Addie.  She knows Anna well. ;)

Firepit.  And it was a fiery fire this night.  We had to back up repeatedly, it was putting out so much heat. 

Fall Foliage.  How neat is that once branch that turns way before the rest?  Things that make you go Hmmmmm.

For hire: hockey raking.

Fun - just another round of street hockey wrapping up.

Funny.  We love when they do this.

Family! Directly after our family pics session.  Bet you can't tell who is the sick one and who has the black eye.

Fine. I'll tell you. Lasa is the messy cold sick one all juiced and drugged up to survive pics and Anna has the black eye.  Getting more colorful by the day.


Amy Faye Brown said...

Oh, Lord, they're throwing deuces. Bahhahaha.
Pray tell how did Anna get that shiner. Please don't say from a sibling. Although it happens.

Kimberly said...

Ha! Not a sibling this time. She got that by getting hit in the face with a flashlight being flung around at the 3rd-5th grade Bonfire this last weekend. During a game of Sharks and Minnows apparently? 😬