Mar 11, 2016

Just Because on Friday

Just had a random bunch of pics I wanna keep timed for these days here on the blog...

How adorable is this science experiment page that came home from co-op with Anna yesterday?  More specifically, how precious is her sounding out of the word "failure"?  

Get a load of this personal pep-talk of Anna's that I found taped to the wall in her hallway Art Gallery upstairs. I remember the day that inspired this response in her.  She had gotten a FIRM talking to about how she was treating her brother and she had lost some blessings as a consequence.   She felt the sting, bless her heart, but she saw the purpose and truth behind it and made herself a literal mental note about it.  Blesses MY heart.

More from Anna from co-op ... Some candid "If I were the President" pontificating ...

Just loving this snapshot of my babes  working on their writing last week... They were SO into these assignments and I had to pulllllllllll them away from their work in the end.  I love when they are that excited about writing! Writing is a moody thing for me (and for them), so it can be hard to time a lesson and a day and a topic and the general mood just right.  All the writing stars aligned this day.  Definitely photo-worthy!

Some weekend maker-space activity.  Josh's coworker's hubby is a plumber and so some PVC piping was gifted to the kiddos to have their way with.  And they did!  Thanks, Lynn!


I know it just looks like a bunch of bushes and mulch, but for 2 years plus it has been an eyesore of washed-out dirt with a few straggling pieces of bark that just spill over onto the walkway there.  We finally, finally, finally got some edging bricks and some mulch and spruced the landscaping up a bit last weekend.  Which cracks me up .. that our long-awaited, much-needed sprucing still just brings it up to boring and standard.  HA!  Real life.

This one.  LOVES.  her Mr. Josh. She is always, always, always happy to be in his reach.

And it doesn't matter how much I ignore my birthday each year, Anna insists on celebrating.  I got this crown.  

It says Queen Kim on the back and 37 years. :}  She also made me tickets to attend a backyard rendition of Happy Birthday to You that got rained out yesterday, so today we will try again.  Josh picked me up some new folding chairs I have been wanting to upgrade for a long time and he even powered through finishing up our tax return so we could find out if my dream of getting my kitchen cabinets refaced for my birthday was a possibility.  We think it is! It'll probably take as long as our front-yard mulching to get done, but if it gets done before my birthday next year, we will call it a win!


Emily said...

haha!!! LOVE the hat! and love the invitation idea for your song! What a fun post....and writing is aweful around here too...I am pretty sure the stars NEVER align...except one or two lessons for poetry writing from Natalie. Brooklyn just plain hates it.

Heres' to hoping IEW works out!!! I'll let you know!

Kimberly said...

I am only giggling because you misspelled awful in your sentence that said writing is awful at your house. Ha!!!!!!!

Emily said...

LOL! I claim pregnancy brain on that one!! ;)