Mar 26, 2016


I swear it's been at least two years since I last cut my hair.  It's been getting on my nerves and in my way for months now, not to mention that I usually just wear it up in a knot anyway to keep Lasa from pulling it all day long.  Today, I finally, finally skipped out of the house to get it whacked the heck back off.  

I am afraid the shorter length makes me look hunched over from behind now.  Oh well. Life.


Amy Faye Brown said...

I'm desperate for a haircut myself. Yours looks great. 8 years later and I'm still searching for a hairdresser. When one person has done it for 20+ years they're not easily replaced.

Emily said...

I think it looks great! Nice cut!

Kimberly said...

I {wish} I had a regular hair person. I would probably go more often if I knew where to head each time. Ha!