Mar 20, 2016

Cousins, Eggs, Sinners

Emily and crew came to town this weekend for a homeschool conference.  One of the highlights of the visit was doing a private backyard egg hunt for the kids ... that we grownups made markedly more challenging than your typical egg hunt.  It was a real hit!  We let Jack have a head start, which is why you see Anna and Natalie are preoccupied with being released into the yard as well in this shot.  Funny!

Everyone was allowed to hunt 12 to ensure everyone got some.  I was worried 12 was not enough, but it took them a long time to find 12 each.  We are THAT good of egg hiders, bwahahahahaha!

Before the weekend was over, we also enjoyed a live performance with all the heart two little girls could pour into it.  Anna and Natalie wrote a song, made tickets, made us pay for said tickets with a quarter each, set up a stage in the backyard playground, made a sign, gathered seats and blankets (it was cold that day), and performed their music with drums and words and toy microphone.  Adorable!

At first, we chuckled when we found signs like this taped around the house to advertise.  We thought they were calling all sinners to attend.  It turned out the song was entitled "Sinners." And it was Easter themed, obviously.  It went like so... (typed exactly as the words and marks were on the page - so precious)

Run! Run! Run! away from sin!
For today and forever we live in the presents of the one true God!!
Yeh! Yeh! Yeh! ~~~~~~~
God's love for us is strong enough
that he sent his one and only son to die
on the cro-o-o-o-o-ss for our sins! ~~~~~~~
for our sins.
The Savior ~~~~~
the Savior ~~~~~
the Savior died for us.

What fun it has already turned out to be to have family so close within reach.  Normally, we'd only see these guys 3 or so times a year?  We've now seen them twice in a month and are only 6 weeks away from our next visit.  The kids think this rocks!! Who am I kidding, we big kids think so, too!


Emily said...

We grown ups totally DO think it rocks!!! What a fun visit!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Cousins are the best.
I grew up surrounded by them. Thankful my own kiddos got to experience that with their Davis cousins in Ft. Green. They're already counting down the days to May when they will get to see some of them again.

Kimberly said...

There were a couple of little Brown chickies just down the road for them every once in awhile, too. :)

I had THIRTY-SIX cousins ... which was awesome! Sad how it's not the same fellowship once we all grow up though. Hazard of living so far away from them all as kids and only seeing them on special occasions. Of all of them, I only keep up with two now.