Aug 6, 2015

Baby Burps and Boom Boom

Baby has been with us just over a week now.  And that means our week has been reorganized according to all her needs.  Ha!  Eat, sleep, burp, poop, repeat. Usually in 2-3 hour increments.  Throw in a few more legal requirements by DCS and Jonah's Journey, a handful of texts with baby's momma, a full week of homeschooling, and you have one seriously worn out Kimberly.  

I stopped taking pics of sunflowers and started taking pics of other marvels in the universe.  Like baby.  And sleeping baby.  And baby with my babies.  You get the idea.

Look at me.  Babywearing!!  Add that to my list of First Time Ever things.

This guy is NEVER far from baby.  Cutest sweetest photobomber ever.  He also has taken on the role of Baby Herald.  When visitors come to the house, he pounces on them and tells them to come see our new baby. :}

Truly, he is never far from her side.

He loves to announce her burps, toots, and "boom booms".

When we figured out how to make her grin...

After washing her hair, she was back to her curly coif.

 Baby has helped us out with school stuff too ...humoring my girl as she used her new tape measure on the first day of school.

Also, baby is peeling from head to toe.  This worked out great for science since the kids are learning about cells.  We grabbed a piece of her peeled skin and popped it under the microscope.  Instant lesson!

We all think baby is the sweetest thing ever, but Noah is the most in love. He kisses her all the time, begs to hold her all the time, and has already shamelessly asked if we can keep her. Fun fact: that blanket she is swaddled in is the same one we swaddled our own babies in once upon a time.


Another funny tidbit:  Last night I was giggling at how curly baby's hair got after a bath. It curled up so tiny and tight, I likened it to a tiny afro.  Noah asked what an afro was and, after I explained it, he goes, "Wait.  Lasa is BLACK?"  I fell over laughing at that.  "What did you think she was all this time?" I asked. That boy thought she was white ... just like us.  I don't know what that means, but it's funny and adorable all at once. Then he whispered as he mock fainted, "Ohmygoodness, we have a black baby." HA!
As for me, I can't stop kissing her and praying all the livelong day for her health and protection and peace and her momma. I am surprisingly chill for someone who is normally totally nervous with babies. It helps that she is an angel.


And I have only cried once in a middle-of-the-night desperate sleepless meltdown and have since felt the relief of submitting to the rule of thumb that says, "Sleep when baby sleeps."  It means I grab some shut eye in random hour increments throughout the day, but already it has made a BIG difference.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Eeeeek!!! I've been waiting for this post and it did NOT disappoint! :-)

You. Are. Beautiful.

Seriously, this third time around tiny baby thing looks so good on you.

And sleep deprivation. Oh how I loathe it and am still so familiar with it. Ugh. Rough for sure. I'm happy for you that you can nap during the day. A blessing for sure!

I'm coming back here tomorrow to ooh and aah over these photos again, but for now I just wanted to comment and run.

Kimberly said...


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Okay. I'm back. As promised.

What a sweetie! Those tiny baby legs make my heart skip a beat. We'd love another little at our house. Sigh. Even with the sleep deprivation... which. is. terrible.

You're baby-wearing comments made me smile. This go round your hands and life are full. Baby-wearing is more like a necessity if you're going to get it all done, right? ;-)

I love that your kiddos are big enough to help and enjoy and love on the little miss. What a fun (and lifelong) learning experience this is for them! So precious. And Noah's sudden revelation of your black baby status still has me giggling. Love is color-blind, huh?

So are they still projecting a 2 week timeline or will baby be with you for longer? Is her birth mom seeing her at all during this process? I'm not quite sure how JJ works.

Emily said... look totally natural with that baby on you! Surely you feel like it's not so stressful this time around?!

Kimberly said...

I haven't heard from anyone about that two week timeline (or any other timeline) since the day we got her. I expect we will hear next about the court date coming up ... in a week after Monday? Which will already have us almost a week past two weeks ... and that is all I know about that. :} So informative right? I settle with just keeping baby alive and taking her where they tell me to report when they tell me to report. Ha!

I can report that we have finally gotten her mom to commit to a visitation time and place ... tomorrow afternoon. Really curious to see how that goes. I think I will get teary eyed putting baby back in her arms. That is so the place she belongs. That will feel right. Hope momma feels it, too.