Apr 25, 2015

Just Because

Just because I have actual down time this weekend, last night included, while Josh worked late and I hung out in the driveway with my baby while she played basketball with her brother and rode bikes in the cul-de-sac and used her umbrella as a weapon against him and STILL ended up squalling in defeat.

Isn't she lovely?

She also took a frisbee to the face and squalled over that one, too.  Playtime with Anna is riddled with highs and lows.  It's why I can't stop giggling.  And that makes her fightin' mad.  She does NOT like to be laughed at.  Which poses a problem for Noah and me when we play Sorry with her and she loses for more than three turns in a row.  She goes from lovely to looney in 2 seconds flat and we roll in laughter and she starts shouting and kicking and quitting. She can't even stand it when we laugh at things in her baby videos... so you know it gets dramatic around here when Noah pulls up the one of her crawling on the furniture and faceplanting when she falls. It's so funny. 

She found out at the school nurse's office this week that she has giant tonsils and she is proud to join the ranks of impressive tonsil owners with her momma and Aunt Emily.


In other Anna news, she reads SO WELL.  I just have to brag a little.  Her teacher assigns her books at level 2.9.  Second grade, month 9, y'all.  She ROCKS READING.  It's so fluent and expressive and easy.  It has all come so naturally to her.  I humbly thank the Lord for that fact after I struggle through an AGONIZING hour helping her classmates work to decode little 4 words-a-page readers every month. Learning to read is hard work, I see it.  I don't know how Anna skipped that hard stage, but I am so glad she did.  She is one quick and smart cookie.  I am pretty sure she is gonna rock my homeschool world in the fall and do NOTHING like Noah and I are already used to doing it. 

Whenever we travel and the beds are silly little double beds, Josh and I always split up and sleep with one kid each.  It's one of my favorite things - Getting to lay next to this sleeping beauty.  Just to be still and watch her sleep ... and wake up to her stealing the covers or scooting up tight in my back and then my having to push her sleepy weight back to her side.

 But seriously, she is so lovely. Even in her ratty hair, boogery nose, t-shirt and jeans, dirt under her nails, scrawny little legs, and, heaven-help-us, that boney bootie she points at us to toot in our direction.  Not counting THAT last detail, I just adore her and the things that occur to her and move her.  I stare at her and wonder what she is becoming and marvel that she is mine and that I get so many precious hours in life to enjoy her.

What a great Saturday morning to have nothing to do but babble on about my sweet Anna.
Just because.


Emily said...

OH my word! That was so sweet! and I agree with you! I feel like I've done little work to help Brooklyn with reading...potty training...she just "got" that stuff so easily...Brooklyn reads our bible stories after dinner and doesn't miss a beat reading those complicated words. Natalie is our slower paced learning-to-read child. She's also reading a 2nd grade level, however it's much slower paced. and I have to MAKE her read...she just doesn't care about it. So neat to see the common things our babies have in common. and just FYI, Brooklyn and I USED to have big tonsils...we got those suckers removed. Jack's are also pretty large. boo.

Kimberly said...

Can you believe i couldn't remember if you had or hadn't had them removed?! Hers are reallllllly bad this week. She sounds like she's got cotton stuffed in her throat. I realized I had COMPLETELY forgotten one of her allergy meds we were supposed to start back in March, so I will give it a couple weeks and see if there's any improvement. They are so big, you can't even see the back of her throat. Just two big flesh colored sponges back there!

Emily said...

That's how mine were...and Brooklyn's...and do you not remember Brooklyn's voice with her giant tonsils? We've listened to videos of her before they were out....she sounds like it takes work to talk! haha! Get those suckers removed if they cause regular problems...even if just for a year. It will be so worth it in the long run. You know, Brooklyn hasn't been sick with ANY long term colds, weird fevers, or sore throats SINCE they were removed?! Miserable 2 weeks of healing, but SO worth it for the rest of her long years of life! Getting them out as adult is HORRIBLE, but just as worth it...

Emily said...

Because, too, if you can't see the back of her throat...that's occasion...and an airway problem. If they swell up too much more, her airways will be closed. I'd get her checked out....if she's that dependent on medications for her airway, it would be worth have her evaluated by an ENT... in all seriousness.

Emily said...

occlusion...not occasion. ha!

Kimberly said...

Hmmm. Ok! I will be sure to ask their thoughts at her next visit ... possibly sooner than later.