Aug 2, 2014

At Summer's End

Monday is when we really admit that we are at summer's end.  Anna will jump into kindergarten full time and Noah and I, likewise, will get back to Grade 2.5 full time.  It was such a sweet summer, though; we are sad to wave goodbye.  Thankfully, we have the summery temps stickin' around a little while longer (thank you, Mother Nature) to soften the blow of our having to return to the daily grind.

But before we bid adieu to our summer, I wanted to post just a few more shots of the low-key goodness that we enjoyed on our last few carefree weeks of summer.

There was much Lego play in pjs at home.

And Nerf target practice.  With goggles for safety, of course. Their idea!

Oh, the many playdates and friends we have enjoyed!!

So many.  I have actually contemplated naming all our blessings (friends) by name that we have been able to hang with this summer.  So thankful for community here in Middle Tennessee!

Back porch camping.

Tallest block tower ever!

Oh, the gardening. :D

Lost of summer reading!

It ain't a real summer in the south til you done played in the creek.

Which we have.

Bike rally in the cul-de-sac.

Many photos documenting Noah's growing curly locks that I just could not bring myself to cut.

What is a summer without a zoo run?

Noah has so enjoyed getting to know his friend, Cole, better this summer and I have so enjoyed getting to know my friend/his mom, Adrian, better as well. :) She even let Anna give her a full makeover, make-up and all, one day.  That kinda friend is a total keeper!

And you know me, all dreamy-eyed at all things green - this leaf most recently.  C'mon, now.  Tell me this isn't GORGEOUS?

Much, much pool time.  This shot was mud-puddle making, however. Loved our slow days when it was just my hooligans and me at home.

And it bears repeating ... such a great garden summer!  

And a simple little farewell park playdate with other new kindergarteners from our SAHM's Meetup group.  Speaking of, Anna and I just graduated out of that group and I am so thankful for the many friendships and memories we have to show for our membership in that community of local moms.

 Summer 2014, We will remember you by all the many sweet faces of friends we have enjoyed hanging out with, by the wildly awesome lack of mosquitoes in our backyard,  by the brilliant cloud formations hanging in the sky day after day after day, by the impressive lightening bug population we have witnessed each night, by our close call with a move to Knoxville, by Josh's kayak and my crocheting, and by your most heavenly mild temps in the 70s and 80s in July!! It's been a charmed, sweet summer, indeed. Thank you, Lord.


Amy Faye Brown said...

BLESSED childhood these kiddos are living.

Kimberly said...

So blessed to be a part of it. ♥

Emily said...

No kidding! It was so cool yesterday that we all packed up and went to play tennis IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY! Loved it! Felt like fall in the summertime. What a great weekend. Monday is our true back to the grind kind of week too. New routines start hard core tomorrow for us too.

Adrian said...

Wow! I made the blog!! (*wink*). Can I just say how thankful I am that our friendship has grown this summer?! Cole truly enjoys time with Noah and I love chatting with and all :) So selfishly glad that your family is staying put :)

Kimberly said...