Oct 17, 2013

Taa Daa: Kimmie Sews!

Yesterday at iMom, our DIY craft was a pin cushion and a bookmark.  The pin cushion we made was situated atop a mason jar and they gave us a little sewing kit for inside.  Too cute!

Then they got felt in our hands and we got to cutting and sewing.  I did not get off to a good start with this part of the morning.  My little threader broke and then while I attempted to sew a button, my NEEDLE broke in half.  After how long it took me (and my friend, Becky) to get that darn thing threaded, I pretty much just up and quit at that point.  Told myself I would try again at home.  And  I did try it at home that afternoon.  Unfortunately, attempt #2 had me almost-cussing under my breath.  Why do people torture themselves with such tedious tasks?!, I wondered.  Finally, after threading and actually sewing the edges together, my thread got tangled somehow and I broke the thread trying to fix that.  Of course that whole half-hour of work had to be undone and I put it all away again.  Annoyed would have been an understatement.

But then, I gave it one more try with my own thread (from a sewing box I have, but obviously never use - ha!) and the good Lord had mercy on me and blessed my pitiful efforts.  In the end I finished up this little gem for Noah. ♥  It's not perfect, but that sort of makes it more special, I say.  Any sewing project by yours truly would have to be!  It's my first.

I told Noah it means, "OWL love you forever." :}


Emily said...

you made Noah a PURPLE bookmark with an owl?!

Totally thought that was for Anna....

Make another one with legos on it and blue for that boy!

Emily said...

oh awwwee...saw that last little line there...I guess the owl is okay now :) haha!!

Totally impressed with your iMom group....

and totally jealous too.

Kimberly said...

Well, in the bookmark's defense, it is a very dark purple ... it appears lighter because of the flash I think. :}

Kimberly said...

Besides, we are CONSTANTLY scrambling for papers for last minutes bookmarks for all the books/school stuff we do, so that was the backstory on the bookmark the boy needed. I need to make, like, 20 more!

Amy Faye Brown said...

You get a P for perseverance!
I would have totally scrapped it after the second mishap.
Turned out way cute. :)