Mar 19, 2013

Back At It

Noah is back at tee ball as of yesterday when he went to this spring's first practice.  We didn't get the coach we wanted from last year, but this new guy seems to have his act together, too, so we'll sit tight and hope for the best.

Noah really showed off his skills and it's neat to compare to last year.  It is clear he's one of the better kiddos on the team by sheer virtue of the fact that he has a year of tee ball under his belt.  It'll be neat to watch him respond to being a little ahead of the rest of the team.  He is so accustomed to always being the littlest one and a natural follower anyway.  Maybe this year he'll really blossom in this baseball scene. He batted so strongly and got some good practice at catching and fielding.  Looking forward to enjoying another sweet spring season ... as long as I can keep my competitive impulses in check. :}

Anna was back at her third swim class today and made HUGE gains.  She put her whole head under water a bunch, swam a few feet unassisted several times, jumped in the deep end, and started using her arms to stroke (even if only in tiny underwater spurts).  I just cooed and cooed over her bravery and effort afterwards and I asked her how she felt about all they did today.  "I felt like a real swimmer!" she said. 

She also has decided that she wants to be a swim teacher when she grows up.  I will have to tell Mrs. Beverly that one; that is a huge compliment to her teaching and manner.  Anna went from fear to inspiration in just 2-3 30 minute sessions with her.  Such a blessing ... and relief!

In my excitement, I went ahead and priority signed Anna up for another quarter when this one ends and a mini-quarter for Noah come June.  Here's to this summer being our last year needing swim lessons!


Emily said...

what fun! Soccer started for us this week too. Only Natalie wanted to play, but now Brooklyn's regretting saying no to soccer. Oh well. Life lesson learned. But Gymnastics is in spring mode too....they're practicing their performances!! Can't wait to see it! I love this time of year too. My fav.

Kimberly said...

That surprises me that Brooklyn passed on soccer. But you are right - it will be a great natural consequence for her. Those are the best teachers.

Anna is about to be done at the little gym she takes class at. In the fall I will sign her up at a real gym and we'll see how into it she really is. I secretly hope she LOVES it.