Nov 24, 2012

Thankgsiving 2012

This fine Thanksgiving, we got to have my sister and her crew come to Nashville for two solid days.  They showed up in the early afternoon the day before Thanksgiving and we didn't waste any time getting down to catching up.

With the gorgeous weather we were having, we headed straight outside to play!

We played and played until night came, whereby we were still outside enjoying Josh's handiwork with the Christmas lights on the house and then roasting marshmallows over the fire pit.

On Thursday, we whipped up all the necessary comfort foods for our Turkey Day dinner and ate til we couldn't get up from the table.

We took lots of pics, but precious few had all five cousins in the same frame.

As the sun set on the second night of their stay, it was time for our first ever Thanksgiving football game. Every year with the kids gets better and better.  What fun to have these sorts of memories together.

Noah loved every minute!


And Brooklyn must have loved it.  I couldn't tell for sure but all her giggling made me think she did. :}

Anna and Natalie opted for more tame recreation and hit the play-doh table together instead.

After the cool air rolled in that night, the dads helped the kiddos make and decorate cookies.

And the cookies were followed up with the very first Polar Express viewing of the season - complete with popcorn and hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate.  Yes, that was dinner.  Cookies, Popcorn, and Hot Chocolate.

The day after Thanksgiving brought us rain and freezing winds, but nothing could stop the cousins from making more fun together.  They played in the street while Emily and Lee packed and Jack squeezed in one more nap. After a leisurely lunch of leftover turkey and dressing, the Talmadge crew was out the door again to see my parents for a day or so.

When I think back to this family visit, I will grin again at how Noah and Natalie were thick as thieves.  Something about the two of them attracts each other every time they get together.

Same goes for these two.  When I remember this visit, I will remember how Anna was Brooklyn's mini-me and how they loved playing with each other's hair. :)

And not to be forgotten from Thanksgiving 2012 memories will be how this little booger kept me in grins and giggles at his every expression, grunt, and antic.

Jack is just plain fun. Tons. of. Fun.

Emily and I managed to finagle ourselves into a single picture with all our babies. 

At one point, Anna got a hold of a camera and clicked a few keeper shots.

There you have it folks - my sister and my best friend.

Fingers crossed she gets herself moved to AL quick so we can see more of them! I do believe this was the best Brown-Talmadge visit yet. :)


Amy Faye Brown said...

You and your sister = beautiful family. So glad y'all had such a good time together. (:

Emily said...

OH we DID have a blast this Thanksgiving! Thanks for putting us all up. SUCH good memories made...and the girls loved every minute of it too! Can't wait to for us to get up there closer!

Memaw said...

Thanks for sharing the fun with us. So happy you all had such a great time together, that is so special.

Emily said...

I can't stop looking at all our pictures! I miss you guys!

Kimberly said...


Elizabeth Bradley said...

I love that you are close enough to your sister to share fun things like this. It makes me wish I lived closer to mine!