Oct 30, 2012

First Grade's First Report Card

Noah got his first real report card last Friday.  It came home looking all serious with computerized indicators and grids and subjects and number grades instead of a bunch of very subjective handwritten Beginning, Progressing, and Mastered letter assessments like we had in kindergarten.

And where I was told last year that Noah might struggle to keep up in First Grade, I was met with a different outcome that was a welcome surprise.  He is not/has not been struggling at all.  He's not even been just treading water.  He has moved into first grade work with, what I would call, ease!   Thank you, Lord.

Noah's First Quarter First Grade Report Card

He got straight A's (and high A's at that!) in Language Arts, Math, Science, Reading, and Spelling.  He got all S's (satisfactory) in conduct in his Related Arts classes (PE, Art, Music).  And in Handwriting he brought home an I, which I can only take to mean Improving?  If so, that's a generous mark if you ask me.  His handwriting is kind of a mess, poor boy.  Don't get me started about this grip again.  Yikes.

Anyways, with his first real report card we started the tradition I grew up with, which is getting paid for good grades.  Noah got $3 per A and, with some money he'd been saving, was such a rich man he couldn't wait to relieve the financial burden of too much cash in his pocket.  When Daddy got home, it was off to Walmart to buy a couple new... you guessed it, Lego sets.

Enjoy the bounty, Noah.  Good work at school!  We are so proud of your accomplishments and your excellent behavior at school!!


Cindy said...

Go Noah!

Kimberly said...


Emily said...

Great job Noah!!!!!!!!

But on a side note. Dude. That parent signature?! Talk about bad handwriting. I've never seen you write so poorly, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whatintheworld, were you drinking or something? :) I'm.Just.Messing.with.you.....I'm certainly no one to talk about handwriting. If Lee saw me getting on to you, he'd be staring at me, like, "pot calling the kettle black" LOL.

Kimberly said...

You are such a dork. :}