Mar 4, 2012

Noah's First Joke

Noah:  Mommy.  What did da chicken say to da fwower (flower)?
Me:  I don't know. What?
Noah, sly grin: Chicken fwower.
Me:  Hahahahahahaha.


Amy Faye Brown said...

We just had a great chuckle over this because it reminds us so much of a little girl who used to reside in our home and plague us with her little lame jokes! :)

Emily said...

hilarious! Sounds like the girls knock knock jokes

"knock knock"
"who's there"
Rabbit who
Rabit chicken horse.


hahahahahaha. anyway.... lol. They're just learning the excitement over jokes....

Kimberly said...

I hear that. It's just all things silly right now, but I can almost hear the humor stretching it's legs inside that little brain of his.... it's a coming! :)