Aug 2, 2011

Drama King

Noah sort of exaggerates when he is hurt.  I can't say I blame him.  Pain is something I don't deal well with either.  But Noah?  Oh, Noah really goes overboard. 

This sad mug shot is my boy AFTER today's dramatic episode. 

The BEFORE involved him scraping his toe under a door, spotting a little blood, and then screaming all of the following:

I need to go to the HOSPITAL!
It's going to FALL OFFFFFF!
It BURNS!! It's on FIRE!!
Ow!  Ow!  Ow! OW! OW! OW!!
Can you carry me?  I can't walk!!!

And then, of course, somewhere in there he was lunging at my pen and paper saying, "No!  DON'T WITE THAT DOWN!" 


Amy Faye Brown said...

I love this kid!

Kimberly said...

I just read it again. See? Now I am CRYING again...except this time it's because I am laughing so hard...much like I did when I heard it all live earlier today. :D

Memaw said...

That picture is priceless! Poor Babe.

Unknown said...

Poor baby!
Jacob is the SAME way. Complete craziness over the sight of blood. Just a few weeks ago, I took him to a small water park. Paid $18 to get us both in. After about 15 min. he goes down a slide and rubs his finger on a dry part of the slide and gets a blister. I didn't doubt that it hurt but you would have thought it was cut off. We had to leave! He was hysterical until I got him a milkshake at McDs so he could have "ice" on his finger to make it feel better. He didn't make a peep after that!

Would love some advice on "toughening up" boys.

Kimberly said...

Well, I thought it was helping when I would talk to him about only crying as much as it hurts. I just about drew pie charts to make him see the difference and how bad it was. It seemed to help a little, BUT then the toe happened. And since he was exaggerating again, I did nothing at first...which is why I had time to grab a pen and start jotting it all down! :) Bad mommy.

Heather said...

I love it..."Don't wite it down!". He knows he's got a bloggin momma! He will one day be glad he has that bloggin momma!

Love his face and puffy red eyes. :)

Nathanael is much tougher than Zachary and always has been. Nathanael refuses to get bandaid's even if it is gushing blood. Zachary wants a bandaid if he barely scratches his leg and there is no evidence of a scratch. Differently personalities I guess. But with Nathanael, from the beginning, once he fell, we just brushed it off and he was fine...even if it was terrible. Zachary, being the 3rd, for some reason I babied him more...and now I suffer the consequences. :)

Emily said...


I just cracked up out loud with his last statement!!!

hahahahahaha.............he knows his momma will keep track doesn't he!! hahahahahahaha!

Kimberly said...

It really was funny in the live show, too. I could not stop laughing!