Apr 15, 2010

90 Minutes of My Day

Start a laundry load of stuff needing special attention
Need formula for removing a burnt smell from new jeans
Recipe is on file on the computer
While at the computer, I notice our bank statement is available
Download and print it
Run upstairs to get print out, irritated it didn't print....again
Head back down to start laundry I forgot about
Call to Josh about the printer not working
Josh brings print-out down, so I set down to balance checkbook
Noah decides he wants to do Play-Doh (which I have to get)
Get Noah situated and Anna decides she want to play, too
Get Anna situated -booster & buckles, make sure she doesn't eat it
They do Play-Doh, I go back to checkbook
Noah hears the trash truck so he jumps down to go watch it
Anna must go, too, of course
On way back to table, Noah decides he needs to brush his teeth
So Anna does, too
Then he must wash his hands
Finish Anna's teeth brushing/spitting, Noah goes outside
I call him back to clean up his Play-Doh if he's done
Have to spank the boy for not obeying right away
Go check on rinse cycle with special laundry load
Noah is MIA from Play-Doh clean up - "Noah, where are you!?"
Relax but groan, he is on the potty. Can't complain about that one.
Anna exits bathroom with handful of Noah's underwear
Return underwear, oversee Noah's pick up, Get back to checkbook
Stop balancing checkbook, start this list of distractions instead
Anna melts down - must be naptime
Slow down and follow her piggie, baby, blanket nap routine
Notice it's cold upstairs and hot downstairs
Go around to close windows and then adjust AC
Mental note to praise Noah's clean-up job
Rewash jeans and skirt according to detergent recipe
Return to checkbook
Notice Noah's cup is left outside
Remind Noah to get his milk off the porch and back in the fridge
He falls coming in - screams, yells, insists he's bleeding (he's not)
Stop to soothe boy and then check email as I pass computer
Decide NOT to read campus pastor's 8th email in 3 days
Return to checkbook
Noah plops down at video game and doesn't need me for next hour
Finish balancing the checkbook and the laundry at last


Emily said...

Oh man...you make me laugh! hahaha! right there with you girl!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

And this just made me smile. :)

Heather said...

I can so relate! At least you finished what you started, even though it was 90 minutes later. I usually forget what I was doing in the first place. :)