Aug 8, 2009

Warning: Gripe Ahead

It has been a trying Saturday waiting for Josh to get home from his two-day trip. I think I am just a little impatient because it is the weekend, yet it feels like a weekday with Josh gone. Anyway, this post is me griping just a little bit about how Noah has gotten on my last nerve with his treatment of Anna. In JUST today he has accumulated the following list of offenses for which I give Anna some free passes to knock him around a little bit when she gets big enough.

That boy has (repeatedly) ...

Poked her in the eyeball

Dragged her backwards and bellydown by her leg

Tried to pick her up....BY HER EARS!!!

Taken her books while she is looking at them

Gotten in front of her wherever she tries to go

Hugged her neck within an inch of decapitation

Pulled her down to the floor

Layed on top of her

Whacked her repeatedly on the head with a melon baller

JAMMED his finger into her belly (in the interest of "tickling" her)

Walloped her a lot on the back (in the interest of "patting" her)

Antagonized her by being loud in her face

It goes without saying that there have been numerous, numerous spankings, scoldings, and time outs. And I may have raised my voice to the point of yelling. Oh, please, Lord, let this day end soon. Or get Josh home quicker!

And even as I typed this, Noah hurled a hard plastic toy at Anna's head. Direct hit. Much like my hand to his little bootie as a result.


Unknown said...

Poor girls (you and Anna)! What a day! I hope you get some good rest and Noah wakes up in a more gentler mood. Why is it that they can be such sweeties one day and the next be so defiant?

Amy Faye Brown said...

welcome to the world of siblings! mine have just stopped trying to mutilate and mame each other on a regular basis

Emily said...

is Anna crying about any of this this? In Noah's defense...Anna's neck is so so tiny, it wouldn't take much to "decapitate" her. Poor Anna, and Poor Noah, he doesn't even know his strength.
It won't take long before Noah figures out how to treat least it hasn't taken Brooklyn long to learn never ever ever push Natalie around...but the toy stealing I'm afraid, is going to go on for a times, hee hee

Kimberly said...

Well, in poor Noah's defense...his intent is not to hurt her. He is just too rough, careless, or affectionate to the point of smothering her, you know. And it was like yesterday was even more off that deep end of carelessness and roughness. And that stuff kept happening even after he was put on "No Touching Anna" restriction for segments to hours at a time. So then, of course, when he still did them they were in issue of disobedience towards me as well as bodily harm towards Anna. Ohhhh, Noah.

And Emily, don't you know my daughter at all. A resounding YES! Yes, she screams. And grunts. And Moans. And cries through all she must endure at the hands of Noah.

Kinda funny, when Josh got home, and Anna was in bed and it was just me and Noah and Josh hanging out, I admitted that Noah seems much cuter to me when Josh is home. ;)

Laura Koslowsky said...

Oh boy, I think that yesterday must have been one of those days. We had a rough one here as well. Parenting is hard, especially when you don't have your partner there to tag team with. I hope that you were encouraged today at church and that you have a chance to do something for yourself this week. Thanks, too for your e-mail about the name. I find myself thinking of our son as Timothy so I told Kevin the other day that if he isn't going to let us use it because of his cousin he better tell me soon and begin throwing other names into the mix :) We never see Kevin's cousin though, so I think I might be able to sway him that it is fair game for us to use. I also like the name because of PT and the fact that he had such an influence in both Kevin and my lives. Of course, there is a chance our baby could be a girl...I don't have any favorites there yet.

Kimberly said...

So funny, Laura. As luck would have it, I missed out on church, too. You just can't win sometimes...but I did a little since I had the house all to myself while Anna napped and Noah was at church with Josh. A little recoop time.

Heather said...

I think this is just the norm for siblings. I often think about purchasing a black and white striped shirt and a whistle. Not that the kids would even know what that meant...they'd probably end up fighting over who got the whistle next!

Pray for a sister! Kore has left today and will be gone until Friday late night, basically Saturday morn. ugh. On 2 missions trip with the teens. Oh the life of a youth pastors wife! :) So far so good. One good day down.

Kimberly said...

Heather: All week? You are going to make me look like a wimp with my two day bit.

I don't miss those weeks at a time Noah and I endured a lot in AL.

I'll be praying and counting down with and for ya!

Alison said...

It's the other way around in our house. Kara takes Levi down constantly. If I were Levi, I would have gotten a few good punches in by now. I don't even want to know what Kara is going to do to Garison!

Kimberly said...

Alison - oh my...yes, you will have your hands full with that one!