Oct 2, 2008

About a Boy

Seriously, does it get any sweeter than this? I love that boy.

But tell me - Did he always talk as loud as he does now? He is quite the noisy thing these days. And why does he suddenly seem so much bigger and heavier to me and Josh? You should hear him chatter lately too ... He says new words every day it seems, which never fails to fully impress Josh and me. His newest vocabulary additions are tall, hot dog, pray, park, and doctor. And, heaven help us, he is singing and murmuring to every song he can and it is the most precious thing to hear. And no, he has not displayed any jealous behavior toward or about Anna. Right now, he is her biggest fan when he is even paying her any attention. She is easy to miss in the room because she sleeps so much. :)

It is surprising to me how much I miss him at the end of the day because I have not been able to interact with him much for having been attending to Anna all day or needing to catch up on rest. Thank goodness he has his daddy's undivided attention right now, which to be honest, is what really floats his boat anyway. That is my saving grace...knowing he is happy when he goes to bed at night and does not feel slighted by my otherwise occupied status.

Gotta give the boy some credit. He has been quite the trooper through all the changes we have had over the past month. New home, new room, new faces, new school, new baby, new routines. He has tackled his new days so well and we are so proud of him. I just love that boy.


Emily said...

very good! Brooklyn is STILL Natalie's biggest fan too...and very protective of her little sister...which will be even cuter when Noah becomes Anna's protector (from all those other little kids that will want to touch and look at)...
I know how you feel about missing him at the end of the day...I felt like that too...especially at the beginning and after Lee went back to work...but you'll see that when Anna sleeps so much, you want to fill your time UP with Noah...Brooklyn and I spent almost an hour today in the bathroom on the potty waiting for poo poo to come and reading books and spelling words...all while Natalie slept...so it will get better when she doesn't need to eat so much! See you in a couple of days!

Alison said...

I agree, the older siblings get MUCH louder!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Noah is loving his new sis. What a blessing because. He looks so much older and so cute holding his lil' sister. I bet it's catapulted him from baby to boyhood in your eyes.

sosagtsie said...

I absolutely love the pictures - isn't it the Best to see your kids together?