Sep 16, 2008

Baby and Moving Update

We are all 3 here at the new house finally and almost halfway unpacked, so that feels really good! I am QUITE sore in my back and stomach, which doesn't feel really good, but no pain no gain, right? :)

As for Anna, we are set to check into the hospital next Wednesday night (Sept 24), so let's cross our fingers that she arrives Thursday (25th) and does not drag out all the drama to Friday or later. Pray for labor/delivery not to kill me, OK? I am scared, but am also in the bring it on mode! So here goes nothing. :) Also, any tips on what I should be sure to pack for the hospital? I have been told to bring food for the nurses...what food does that mean? I wanna butter them up real good!

Noah loves his new room and the playground just around the corner and he did fabulous at his new Mother's Day Out program. Things are very chaotic for him right now and it shows in his behavior lately, so we are trying to take things slow and be patient and reassuring with him. Things won't get back to what he knows as normal for like....ever. Poor baby. I am trusting Anna will serve as a good distraction for him once she is here. :)

We do not have phone or internet here yet, so posting updates will be slim to nothing until probably next week, but I wanted to keep anyone posted that was wondering what the latest was. So until Comcast hooks us up later on this week.... All for now. :)


sosagtsie said...

Food for the nurses is a GREAT idea (just be sure that they take it out of the room. I was sooo hungry during labor and the birth)

I took toiletries that I bought from the 'travel' aisle at target so that I could just throw them away instead of having to pack them back up and bring them home. Even down to the toothbrush and razor.

Good luck! I'm so excited for you!

Emily said...

it's gonna be a long time that you're in the bed waiting on Anna to get on out of there, so bring a lap top and DVD's for the day/night whichever...they'll probably have TV, but flipping through a zillion channels to get to where you want to go gets old fast, they'll be taking your vital signs all night long, so dont' expect a good night of sleep....for a while for that matter.
A magazine...some kind of mindless reading ... you won't be able to concentrate on a novel very well while you wait...socks/slippers so you don't have to walk on the nasty floors...your own me, you'll want your own pillow, so you can use the hospital pillow for propping...but make sure it's not white pillowcase.
And buy a pizza or subway or something for the nurses...You'll have a few ... shifts are 12 hours typically.
I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to hear about your experience...And I won't call you until Thursday, day, because you'll be all kinds of busy Wednesday night getting situated.

Amy Faye Brown said...

Your sister gave the best advice so I won't bore you with mine. However, eat everything you can up until the point they tell you not to. When I was induced with Aaron it took 3 days and for those 3 days I lived on ice chips. And that thoughtful brother-in-law of yours would go out for food and bring it back with him. My nurses however were awesome because late at night they would sneak me little bites of their homemade suppers brought from home.
And, sweetie, you are going to be just fine. I've been through 2 natural births with NO DRUGS OR EPIDERAL and lived to tell about it. We can't wait for her to get here!
Oh, and if you're hurting in your back and stomach already maybe you won't have to be induced.

Unknown said...

You're in the homestretch! How exciting. I know you're scared but this week will go soooo fast. I didn't get my nurses any food...never thought of that but it's a nice gesture. It'll get you some brownie points. I would bring some comfy and cute PJS or outfits so you won't be stuck in their frumpy gown those few days. It makes a difference in your mood and energy when you can get bathed and dressed.

Enjoy your hospital stay. I loved the middle of the night turkey sandwiches and when they brought Jacob to me to feed in the night and I got to go back to sleep while they watched him as he was wide awake in the nursery. I so thought he was sleeping in that nursery but was rudely mistaken when we got home.

Noah is going to be a great big brother!

Alison said...

I have never heard of taking food to the nurses - they aren't in there very much, so I don't know. While nice, I wouldn't make that a high priority, at HH anyways.

Your own pillow, PJ's and socks/slippers. You'll want to be around your own stuff quickly. Oh, and a towel! The HH towels are tiny!

It is hard to concentrate on any one thing for awhile, so take things that don't require thought during labor. After Anna is born, there is very little down time with all the tests, Birth Certificate, Feedings, Meals, Pictures, Visitors, Phone Calls etc. It will fly by and then you will go home!

sosagtsie said...

Oh! We brought a gift 'from' the baby (Ian) to give to Isaac.

Bill and Melodie said...

How soon after Anna arrives are you headed to the new place?

The White Family said...

Thank you for the update! I've tried calling you but haven't gotten in touch and I've been dying to know what all your plans are and how closing went! Congrats on being a resident of TN! Can't wait to see pics of Anna when she gets her. Don't worry about probably won't be as bad as you have it made out to be in your head! Call me sometime soon!

Kimberly said...

Hey Melodie - My in-laws will be here in TN keeping Noah for us all the while, so we will get back to TN upon discharge from the hospital.

Kasey - We have no phone until Monday, and we are in the middle of getting my new cell phone number...I will probably find a way to call you once we have Anna in our hands. Have fun at the beach! :)

Anonymous said...

Nothing really to add...but just want you to remember that you're gonna do just fine! The pain (if any) is definitely worth the gain (Anna!). The first few weeks may be a little tough in lots of ways, but as my mother always told me "this too shall pass", and it just love that baby girl and enjoy every minute...and as Shannon said, enjoy your hospital stay, too. Can't wait to see pictures...know I'll be praying for you!