Jul 23, 2008

WPTM #2: Tantrums

What Parenting Teaches Me #2: Tantrums

As I endured one of Noah’s tantrums the other day, I thought to myself…what do I do that from heaven’s perspective comes off looking like a temper tantrum? I must look as silly, my expended energy as futile, and my behavior as indulgent as Noah during any one of his spells. Ouch! When I followed this thought process to the end, it really motivated me to knock it off. Things like impatience, exasperation, irritability, complaining, getting angry, pouting, arguing, or even saying a certain d word I tend to like to say when something frustrating happens. Yikes. Nothing like a toddler to make you take a good long sobering look at yourself.


Unknown said...

We're all so guilty of this and I'm thinking that God probably sits back and laughs at us or shakes His finger at us when we're having a tantrum of our own. They say to step right over kids and ignore it, I can see God doing that but in such a loving and non-frustrating way.

We had an unnecessary fire drill happen today at work (4th one this week), frustrating...yes, but it was so funny watching this one woman gripe to no end about being in the hot sun and how stupid our agency is. It was a nice breeze and hey we got a free break from work. I wanted to tell her to shut up so bad but I refrained:-)

Emily said...

So true...Brooklyn had quite the temper tantrum over her stacking blocks not stacking the right way, and the way she'd throw herself on the floor after I'd say, "just try it again" was pretty humorous to me because I knew it really just wasn't that big a deal and was so easily solvable.
I'm sure I've acted the same way, today actually, getting Natalie's PCM squared away. A solvable problem, but I groaned the whole time! haha.

Alison said...

I had this exact same thought a couple of days ago...