Yes, our girl has come upon a whole fifteen months now. It amazes me how much has changed for her and us in 15 months. I go bug-eyed. It's been a trip! How I thank the Lord that he placed her safely in our home. How we love this girl!
In terms of Lasa bits here at her 15 month milestone...
She's picked up a couple words we can actually hear the meaning behind - she has attempted Noah (dowuh) and Anna (nana), and she successfully says cup (gup), puppy (buhpee), poopy, cookie (cuh cuh), baby (buhbee), pumpkin (puhpuh), brother (bubba), uh oh, TV (tid-dy), oooooooh, and shoes (shiz).
She is presently really into sticks and wands, books, snuggles, Thomas the Train, Sesame Street, dress up (skirts, capes, hats, goggles, bracelets), being outside, wandering free, her bedtime bottle (that is ending next week, don't tell her), and chalk. She also enjoys her toddler crayons. Any markers and pencils she can snatch from the classroom table. Oh yeah! She is in LOVE with putting odds and ends in my rain boots. If you can't find something, check my rain boots.
She sprouted both molars on the bottom this month and is presently sprouting the two on top. Much drool. She also is on her second ear infection this month. Her doctor has us coming back in a couple weeks for a follow-up and to discuss a referral for tubes.
Her newest food loves we discovered are pickles and chili beans. And always, anything we are eating. She lays claim to anything and everything she sees us eating. Even Noah. (I think she thinks he is a third parent around here?)
Her newest skills include sound effects - car sounds, light sabre sounds, and lion sounds. She has a sincere love affair with throwing things away for us and has learned how to "put it back" - usually in reference to shoes or tupperware. The only problem with her throwing things away is that when you aren't looking, she throws away all sorts of things you wouldn't want thrown away ... remotes, clothes, toys, etc.
She's only crying about half the time when I drop her off at the church nursery or at PDO. She is over the moon excited when we come to pick her back up.
She goes to bed at 8 and has recently dropped her 6:00 am bottle with Josh, so now she wakes up sooner than 9ish like she used to. It's usually closer to 7:30, give or take.
She loves to identify eyes still and has since added nose, ears, hair, mouth, teeth, toes, and belly button.
Right on cue for toddler behavior, she has attempted several tantrums now. Tossing herself into the floor. Thrashing about and shouting. Even going so far as to licking the floor and then looking at me like she's done her worst and what am I gonna do about it? Don't ask me.
She is quite a capable little thing and just this week was told how advanced for her age she seems. I have lost touch with what milestones are normal for her age, but I think I see it sometimes, too. Must be that giant head of hers doing its thang. She is in 79%ile in height (31.5 inches), 66%ile in weight (22.7 lbs).
This month we had a big milestone FOR her in that we finally saw Angelique again and made our way around to letting her know that we mean to adopt Lasa at some point. It feels good to have let her know and that it wasn't a miserable conversation. Angelique did not like the idea and bluntly refused to cooperate with us in this, but she was not combative and did not blow up or cuss and still ended the night hugging us and saying she loves us. She has been friendly in her texts since then just like before as well. Thankful for that steadying peace! It is exactly what we prayed for going into that discussion.
Thankful for this girl and these FiFteEn months with her so far!
Ps - I have a new love in my life - the soft rustle of her diaper as she toddles around. It newly precious to me. What a sweet season of life!
Ps - I have a new love in my life - the soft rustle of her diaper as she toddles around. It newly precious to me. What a sweet season of life!
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