May 28, 2019

How May Killed Us

May killed us by taking all our money to pay for really boring grown-up things like a tankless water heater, AC maintenance, a new vacuum, a new handheld vacuum, school curriculum for fall and CHET tuition, pool deck building supplies, and ordering carpet for the stairs and entire upstairs. Blah!

Also, $200 surgery for a $5 female bunny that turned out to not be female.  Don't even get me started. After a brief trip in early June, I am afraid of what the checkbook will show once the dust settles. Reallife!


  1. I hear you! May was brutal! We had so many extra expenses this month. Many happen every May like teacher gifts, Mother's Day, SO many birthdays this month, but it still hurt! Hoping June is a much cheaper month for both of us!

  2. Ouch! Adulting? It's not for the weak.

  3. Which is not say I am not thankful for hot water and AC and medical advancement to fix the dang bunny, blah, blah, blah. I really am! It is what it is. Blah. Ha!
