Last weekend, the Lord blessed our little camping crew (us, the Hohenadels, and the Fentresses) with the most gorgeous spring weather for our long-awaited camping trip. Goodness, it was so perfect! The only part of our plan that didn't come together was the respite care we had set up for Lasa, which ended up not being a big deal anyway. I stayed home each night with Lasa and found a sitter for her alllllllll day Saturday so I could go join our peeps and relax. It was a wonderful weekend getaway! Photo dump coming right up to better communicate the sweet times that were had. (Confession - all the good pics were taken by Gloria. :})
One of our friends found a grand total of SIXTEEN ticks on her over the course of the weekend. So far, we only found two on us ... both on Anna. But I feel itchy all over again just thinking about it. :}
What a fun camping trip!