Mar 6, 2016

Foster Care Stuff

Just doing a lot of thinking and praying 


over this sweet thing 


and watching and waiting to see what's next with her momma who keeps things unpredictable.  

And by unpredictable, I mean she throws all our plans in the pooper by going and getting herself arrested this week on top of an arrest in February we just found out about.  THIS week's hullabaloo involved aggravated assault with a deadly weapon ...  just two days after we were hugging her and learning how to do baby's hair from her and planning to recommend increased and unsupervised visits.  Nice!  And also, Nevermind that! So this will certainly change the tenor of our CFTM meeting with DCS this coming Friday and her upcoming custody trial in early April.  In the meantime, baby's life carries on with us ... where it's good times and grins and giggles.

Thanking the Lord for these precious moments with this precious girl and for all the ways the Lord is molding and changing us in this foster care life.  We have now been at it a full year with six different littles in and out of our home since then.  This time last year, was our first placement with Erick and Aiden for a whole month.  WOW!


  1. I believe with mom's recent lack of smart choices you've just become a party of five.

  2. That is the question that lingers ... that's for sure ... so many outcomes still very possible ...

  3. I agree with Amy. But whatever the case, that is one content, well cared for little baby girl in very capable hands.

  4. According to the court records (which we find online), her incarceration for the offense is suspended and she will just serve probation for that time instead - a full year - unless she breaks the terms of her probation. Very interested to see if any of this has ANY bearing on her custody of Lasa or not. Will have a hint on Friday after the meeting, but will know for sure what comes next in April after trial. Still just having to stay in our lane by leaving it in God's hands and not pursuing our own limited-perpective wills in this. But it's HARD!! Thanks for following along with us. The company helps.
