Apr 28, 2015

Birthday Survey at NINE

It may shock you to know, as it shocks me, that my sweet boy turns NINE this weekend.  I don't have much to say about that because my brain cannot compute it just yet.  While I gather some words to comment on the milestone, allow me to offer our annual Birthday Survey.  THIS year, I let the boy fill it out on his own and I think I love the change because it captures his handwriting (and spellings :S) in the time capsule of sweet deets these days. :}


  1. LOVE that! and next time give that boy some lines to write on! hahahaha!!

  2. I know some boys that have trouble flopping around. 12 to be exact. They make me super appreciate my 7 girls.

    Happy Birthday wishes to the neatest nine year old I know!

  3. Definitely lines next time. Ha!

    And oh, the flopping. I always call it flailing and it is particularly annoying when he does it in response to something I have told him to do. It's his thinly veiled silly way of objecting without words ... and a way of stalling and therefore disobeying ...and a surefire way to annoy the fire out of his momma. :}

  4. I just copied these questions....most of them. Hope you don't mind! I think this would be fun to start doing...should have done this long ago.

  5. Of course! There are tons of versions on Pinterest, too.
