Jan 15, 2012

It's Been THAT Kinda Day

This morning after church, Noah declared that God told him that there would be no more snow this season.

Anna declared from the tub tonight, "I makin' bubbles wif my bootie in the bafftub!"

Anna's been getting a LOT of crusty nasty around her eyes.  And she still has remnants from the same cold that landed her in the ER last month.  And today she started saying her ear was hurting and her throat, too.  Sho' nuff, the nice nurse at CVS Minute Clinic found an ear infection - and probably strep that she didn't look into that much because that will get taken out with the antibiotic for the ear.  She said the crusty eye bit is related to the ear infection - who knew?! She also told us to watch Noah closely.  With his sore throat and diarrhea symptoms from today, she says that is classic strep.  I did not know diarrhea was related to that!  You just learn something new every day!

Took Noah skating today (before I heard the possible strep diagnosis) and he was a TROOPER, I tell you.  It doesn't come easy to him, and it keeps me on pins and needles to watch him make unsteady rounds in a big room full of people, but he stuck with it and only cried a few times when he wiped out. :)  I am going to get him some better skates so he has a better chance of doing ... better. :)

I discovered a bookshelf full of dried up nasty boogers and snot in Anna's room tonight.  Counted them for accuracy in reporting as well.  11.  Dis-gust-ing.  I let Anna know in no uncertain terms that THAT little habit better stop immediately.

Anyone besides me ever let the clutter around the house get so bad that you get to a breaking point where you just can't breath and then you go into a whirlwind of picking up and you insist that everyone else within shouting distance better join you or else ?!  Oh that was me tonight.  And it's all better now.  Noah ended up being the man of the hour and was much, much help. Bless him.


  1. Poor sick babies! I've learned at some point in life that strep is an intestinal bug of sorts, so is hand, foot, mouth disease. Weird! Hope they are better soon!

    Noah on skates! You brave mama! I guess me breaking my arm from skating skews my willingness to let Jacob try it. Not good of me to do that!

    Anna-girl...ga-rossss is right! Laughing that you counted them. Ewwwww

    And finally...can totally relate on feeling smothered with anxiety to clean the house. When it gets out of hand, it sends my anxiety to the highest level. A clean house is good for the soul!

  2. Seriously, Shannon? I watched people fall all OVER the place and wondered how in the world no one was breaking bones or busting lips. It looked AWFUL! I cringed every time Noah fell, but he never wiped out as bad as the bigger kids ... I guess because he's got less feet to fall and he's going much slower. But still, that is high on my worry factor, so if I were you, I would probably not let him skate either. I'm gonna pretend you didn't tell me yours story, k?

  3. ewe! She collected her boogers....I'm so glad you blogged that...though I laugh, she's gonna hate you for putting that in writing, one day.
