Sep 30, 2011

Super, Really, Extra Special

Anna's birthday this past weekend was deemed by the birthday girl to be "super, really, extra special" and I believe the title fits the guest of honor as well.  This was the most fun lead-in to a birthday of hers yet as this year was the year she got what the day was about and she anticipated it with all the hope and happy that her little heart could hold.  And to be honest, she's still riding the wave of birthday joy - she told everyone this week that she had a birthday - my friends, the dentist, perfect strangers, us.  Really, though, I feel like she's been three for months and months now - we've been talking about it for so long.  I'm so happy you were pleased with your special day, Annabelle.

I asked Daddy what it is he will most remember about you at this age and he blurted out with laughter, "That Grumpy Face!"  I laughed along with him because it is QUITE your signature look, baby doll. For sure, the best snapshot of you at this time in your life (graduating from 2 to 3 years old) would be something this:

or this.

Yes, I totally get what the phrase,
"Why the long face?" refers to now. 

Oh the drama (not to mention photo-op potential) of it all.

BUT - that is not all we have grown to love and amuse ourselves with where you are concerned.  Here are some other details and descriptions of our quirky and completely lovable you as you have turned 3:

You feel things deeply and dramatically.  If you have a bug bite, you swear you have them all over your body.  If you cough, you swear you have a "wiwee (really) bad cold."  If something itches, you carry on and cry out that it hurts. If you sneeze, you insist that you've been sneezing all day.  If we try to rush you, you panic and squeal/scream/cry because you think we are going to leave you.  If Noah does something to upset you, your instinct is to cry out like you are dying.  You once cried because a parking lot was too stinky (tar-smelling).  When you were told that I would sleep in the house tomorrow instead of in the tent in the backyard with you and Daddy and Noah, all you did was muster your best frown deep and long and then you turned away and cried, so upset were you by the disappointing news.

You are in touch with your feelings.  For awhile now, you have learned how to communicate what you feel instead of just pitching a fit and/or crying about it.  You say things likes, "Mommy, I just so frustrated."  "I so grumpy."  "I disappointed."  "I'm just so sad."  For awhile there, we heard this alot, "I so happy!"  My favorite emotion assessment you give yourself is hands-down the, "Dat not make me so happy."

You are a wee bit impatient.  Your impatience usually comes in response to not being able to get your underwear on by yourself, Chewie licking you, Noah not submitting to your bossy ways, or something not fitting/working like you know it should.  You are especially short-tempered when you feel boogers in your nose. :)

You are very loving.  You climb on and hug Noah, though it usually escalates into wrestling.  You hug me so tight around the neck.  You request to sit in our laps every day and you snuggle in real close.  When you are sad or mad, you ask for hugs or kisses to feel better.  You tell us you love us and when we say we love you back, you gigglingly insist that you love us more. You also like to list all the ways you look like me and then tell me that that is because you grew in my belly.

You still eat like a bird.  You would be happy to live on a liquid diet, I am sure.  You still NEVER eat dinner and I don't care to force you.  But if we DO get you to eat a bite or two at dinner, it is at your request that we "help you" by hand-feeding you each bite.  You eat a good breakfast and lunch though.  And snacks of course.  But dinner, notsomuch.  Your usual breakfast is a Nutri-grain bar and milk.  Then usually fruit or cheese and then juice.  For lunch, you love jelly or nutella sandwiches.

You are so grown in some aspects, but you sound so sweet and little when you say certain things:
Tramperween (trampoline), Neezing (sneezing), Tant (can't), Him's (he's), Geetos (mosquitos), Mingo (flamingo), Foot tracks (footprints), Ashuwee (actually), Injury (energy), Inty (empty), Breshiss (breakfast), Beshal (special), Scubbers (discovers), Ours (as in, We put that in ours car.), Mine (as in, Da sun is in mine eyes!), Me (as in, Me try dat?)

You do not laugh much.  And you are impossible to get to smile for the camera.  But when something does make you laugh spontaneously (usually a cartoon), the sound of your rolling giggle is just music to my ears.  

Potty training you was so easy.  You did not like losing swim diapers though and put up a real fight about that one.  My guess is you felt naked in a bathing suit without that cushion.  You stopped using a child potty seat and a step-stool for the toilet MONTHS ago.  You still wear a pull-up for naps and nighttime, but more times than not, you are dry.  You and Noah currently get a marble every time you wake up dry in the morning.  When you fill up your marble cup, you get to pick out a toy at the store.

Miscellaneous tid-bits:  You are very curious about what's in my bra.  You hum the Star Wars theme song all the time ... and with vigor, too!  You've starting turning your thoughts into little songs and it warms my heart when you get my attention to sing them to me.  An example of one such song, "I wuv my xywaphone.  I wuv my zywaphone..."   You love to watch me put on my make-up.   When you are displeased with a toy or decide that it is broken, you want to throw it away or sell it; I can't imagine where you get that from.  XD  You've already started a list of things you'd like for Christmas.  At the top of that list is a hairdryer - I know not why.  You've adopted a phrase I say often apparently - "Oh my gosh!"  We always laugh about the fact that you are a bit of a hypochondriac; something is ALWAYS hurting on your body - toe, bootie, eye, ear, anything!  But always somethings.  You go, "Ow, OW, OWWWW.  My (fill-in-the-blank) hurts.  It hurrrrrts!"

Vices:  dawdling when you should be obeying right away, taking your food off your plate and lining it all up on the table, pretending you can't get your pants on, fits of impatient little girl rage

Favorite things to play:  Kitchen and tea party, camera, wrestling/chasing Noah, play-doh, make-up, hide and seek with Daddy, hanging out in the backyard, watching TV, having us read books to you, or helping me do anything at all

Bedtime Routine:  6:30ish is bathtime with Noah and y'all have a strict pattern of taking turns who sits in the front of the tub and who sits in the back.  Until recently, this has always been something Daddy has done with y'all.  Now I do baths and Daddy has taken over bedtime.  By 7:00ish, we've got you in pjs, brushed your teeth and your hair, and Daddy is reading a book and a bible story with you.  Then you pray, sing two songs, and talk a little (Daddy says, "Is there anything you want to talk about" and you take it from there; lately it's always been about your birthday). Then you remind Daddy to turn on your "beshal" music before he leaves and you ask if we can leave your door cracked just a little bit. You sleep with piggie (and pumpkin for now, but it's usually your pink puppy or your "mingo"). Later on, when we go in to check on you before we go to bed, we often find you asleep without your shirt on - usually because it was a pj top you didn't like to begin with.  Stinker.

This year's birthday presents from Mommy, Daddy, and Noah included a dollhouse, a camera, a puzzle, a letter fishing game, pink/purple Legos, and a make-up set. You got a shirt and bracelet in the mail from Memaw and Papa John, and a ring, watercolors, umbrella, and $3 from Mimmie and Papa.

Overall, yours was a happy, happy third year and birthday, baby girl, and I can't imagine what the coming year holds for your days and development.  I love, love, love, love, love being your mommy and will stay tuned to the next year's worth of new you details in a super, really, extra special way.

Forever your biggest fan and with bunches of hugs and kisses,

Recipe: Skinny Enchiladas

I got this quick and tasty dish's recipe from Pinterest, but it looks like it was originally a Weight Watchers recipe called Bubble-Up Enchiladas.  It's delish either way and - my favorite feature - crazy easy to make!

Bubble Up Enchiladas
  • 1 lb. ground turkey
  • 1 (10 oz.) can enchilada sauce
  • 1 (8 oz.) can tomato sauce
  • 1 can reduced fat refrigerator biscuits
  • 1 1/4 cups shredded low fat Mexican cheese
Preheat over to 350 degrees.  Brown turkey and drain if needed.  Mix in both cans of sauce.  Cut the refrigerated biscuits into fourths and stir them in the meat mixture.  Then pour it all in a greased casserole dish and bake for 25 minutes.  Take out of oven, sprinkle cheese on top, and bake an additional 10 minutes.  Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Makes 6-8 servings.

Sep 29, 2011

Table Taa Daa

I finally wrangled Josh (and the kids) into kitchen table hunting with me one Saturday last month and we ran ALL OVER town looking for just the right black pedestal table that I had in mind.  We never found anything close to what I was looking for.  And even when we thought we'd come close, the quality was far too cheap to drop $400 on.  So in the end, and still that same day, we bought an old, used, donated table off a listing from a local craigslist-esque FB group I am a part of.  Though we think we might have overpaid for it ($75), at least it is sturdy and the proceeds went toward the seller's adoption of an older child from Haiti.



Josh sanded, we both puttied, I painted.  Now it just needs a good slathering of polyurethane and we'll be good to go. 

Blessed and Delighted

I was thinking last night about what single word I would choose, if I had to, to describe how I feel about each of my babies.  Noah's word would be blessing. From birth and every day still, he has been such a rich blessing to me in so many ways.  Anna's word is delight.  Even at her moodiest, she is altogether delightful to me and I am just as smitten with her now as I have ever been.  Between my blessing and my delight, I am convinced again just how much of a gift from God a child is.  I can't imagine I will ever love anything as much as I do my babies, and I am just so glad I can recognize and enjoy it in the now.

Sep 26, 2011

My Apologies, Anna

Anna, I am so sorry it is taking me forever to write your birthday tribute letter!  I am usually so good about getting this done wa-a-a-ay ahead of time, but August and September hit me like a ton of bricks and I just now got a moment to catch my breath!  I promise you, babylove, I have a list of details and quotes I treasure about you at this age and I will convert it into cohesive thoughts THIS WEEK because I never want to forget how I see and adore you at this age.

But for the record, today you were a rock star (again) at your 3 yr. check up where you totally impressed your doctor with your ABC skillz and chattiness (where did THAT come from?!) and you impressed the nurse by not crying for your flu shot. :)  I was so proud of my pretty little girl and how personable and eager you were.

Sep 25, 2011

Marking 3 Years

Anna's  BIRTH day:
September 25, 2008

Anna's 1st birthday

Anna's 2nd birthday

Anna's 3rd birthday

You grow lovelier and more precious every year, Anna.  I grow more and more in love with you every day.  So proud to call you mine.  Happy "official" birthday to you. :)

Sep 24, 2011

Celebrating Baby Girl

We marked Anna's 3rd birthday tomorrow by celebrating it today on a Saturday instead.  The highlights of the birthday girl's day were...
going to check out Monkey's Treehouse,


the cake Mrs. Becky made special for Anna with "springy butterfwies and polka dots" thankyouverymuch,

and birthday presents aplenty, 

with her clear faves being the dollhouse, camera, and make-up.

Her other birthday honorable mentions were waking up to find pink balloons all over the floor in her room,  getting to help me decorate with those balloons, and getting to enjoy all of her birthday festivities with Mimmie and Papa, who came for an overnight visit.

It was an easy-going, fun-filled day to celebrate Anna turning three tomorrow.  Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!

Sep 22, 2011

Tank You, God

Noah, in the car, after school, out of nowhere, today as we made our way to go pick up Anna.

"Mommy, when I go heaven, I gonna tell God, 'Tank you for Jesus dyin' on da cross for my sins.  Tank you for dat.' Dat what I should say?  Tank you?"

And my word, the conversation we had that followed!  About how good God is, about thanking him now AND in heaven, about dying, about how old you are when you die, about making a decision to believe and to obey Jesus, about praying about it with his Daddy tonight, about heaven, about bodies and spirits, about family, about his upset that Chewie will probably be the first to die.

I stood in the shower tonight and praised the Lord that we have this boy and that he has grown up in the knowledge of God a little more every day.  I asked the Lord to keep his heart.  And I thanked the Lord.  Oh, I thank him. These are the sorts of things we have prayed about for Noah from before he was ever ours.  It is such a blessing to get to see the prayers being answered in their time, a little at a time.

Sep 21, 2011

Birthday on the Brain

Every day, multiple times a day lately, Anna will put a hand on each side of my face to make me look at her and she'll say, "Mommy, I want tell you sumping."  "Ok," I say.  And then she says,  "Wet's talk about my birthday."

And so we do.  We talk about the pink birthday hat, balloons, and streamers she wants and how she wants to help me decorate, thankyouverymuch.  We talk about how Mimmie and Papa are coming to celebrate with her and sing to her.  We talk about how I have already wrapped all her presents and an extra present for Noah to enjoy.  We talk about what she would like me to use (stickers) on her "birthday wrappings." We talk about how Mrs. Becky is making her cake. And we talk about how we are going to play at Monkey's Treehouse and how, yes, that sounds a lot like Monkey Joe's.  And if Anna is still listening, we talk about how Chewie had a birthday this summer and how he turned three, too, but we don't celebrate dog birthdays like we do little girl birthdays.

So while we're riding the birthday train this week, I went ahead and got into the birthday girl's brain and asked her the usual Birthday Survey questions.

Anna, who will turn three this weekend, has all the following favorites:
  • Color?  pink
  • Food? Sgebbios (Spaghettios), bread, cheese
  • Fruit? strawberries and cantaloupe
  • Candy? chocolate kisses
  • TV Show? Caillou
  • Game? chase
  • Toy? dress up and play kitchen stuff (especially birthday/tea party)
  • Place to play? Monkey Joes
  • Friend? new friend at MDO, Kendall (she says it like "candle")
  • Bible Story? reading from Noah's bible book about telling the truth
  • Song? ABC's, Twankle, Twankle Little Star (Twinkle, Twinkle ...)
  • Movie? Sweeping Booty (Sleeping Beauty)
  • Snack? cookies
  • Part of the Day? lunch
  • Word/Thing to Say? I'm a fwippy, fwoppy girl! (flippy, floppy)
  • Store? Pugwix (Publix)
  • Restaurant? Chick Away (Chick Fil A)
  • Book? Princess book (Josh/I avoid it like the plague, we read it so much!)
  • Future Occupation?  Drive an ice-cream truck
  • Birthday Wish List Item?  Bunch of make-up!

Sep 19, 2011


The irony of the moment is not lost on me that on the same day I spoke at MOPS about child discipline, I would come home and have to field issues of lying, sneaky disobedience, and mean-spirited tattling.


Fall Festivities

A local park hosted an Under the Stars Family Camp Out this past weekend, so the Brown family packed up and headed down the road for the night.  Last year, Josh and Noah did it alone and I stayed home with a 2 yr. old Anna.  THIS year, I thought we could all manage nicely.  And we did. Josh and Noah went early to set up camp.

It was a fun time and we enjoyed the evening even more as several other friends were there with us as well.

Josh served us up some smokin' hot-dogs and smores from over an open-fire and we dined nicely on bales of hay.

Noah and Anna had a blast playing football and light-sabres with their buds.  Noah, all boy, went full force in his Jedi duels before AND after he tripped over a tent peg and got a bloody lip.

The night wrapped up after an outdoor movie.  Everyone got to sleep fine, but by 2:00 the cold was taking a toll on Noah's breathing/coughing, so I dragged the boy back home so as not to wake up all the other families camping out with us.  I laughed at this because I did not expect Anna to be the one to tough it out all night.  She was awesome!

The next day, Noah's school held a small Fall Festival.  The highlight of the games and jumps and pony riding they did was Noah getting his face painted.  He has asked me to post this picture here and to send a copy to his teacher. :)

Finally, in other fall news, Halloween came early to our home today when Anna spotted the biggest spider and web than I have seen in a long time.  Its web adorned the column on our front porch and stretched up perfectly to the roof.  It was like the spider knew JUST how to spooky up the place.  I quickly fogged him up real good with half a can of spider spray and as he lay dying, I snapped a picture for your viewing pleasure.

Eeeek, is all I have to say about that!

Sep 14, 2011

Sweetie Pie Shortcake

My sweetie pie was a rock star of a shopping buddy today at a very, very busy, crowded consignment sale that I shopped at for about 2 hours.  I was so proud of her patience,obedience, and positive attitude. 

As a reward, she got to shop the toy section with some birthday money she got in the mail last week from my grandmother, her GG.  Of all the pretty, pink treasures, Anna narrowed her choices down to a baby bed/bath station and a Strawberry Shortcake remote control car.  In the end, my sweetie pie went with the shortcake.

And in the end, I may still go back and get her that baby bed/bath station anyway.  It was priced so well at $10!  But try telling that to an almost 3 yr. old.

Sep 11, 2011

Warning: Lack of Order Ahead

Noah has a couple new Potato Head toys and accessories thanks to my killer consignment shopping skills.  One of them is Darth Vader.  But for some reason, Noah fails to see the humor in my laughing and calling that Potato Head, Darth Tater.  Sigh; humor is lost on the young.

I sold $663 of stuff at our MOPS Consignment Sale this week. My 70% off that that I get to keep is $463, minus an $8 fee for selling there.  This is the most I have ever made at one sale and I am so pumped about it.  I still have a little over half my stuff left to sell in two more sales coming up this month.  The next one starts tomorrow for drop off.  But first I will spend all of today adjusting prices on a good number of my goods. :)

Needless to say, things are BUSY around here.  September is just plain busy.  And we don't even have a soccer season to contend with!  I don't even have time to worry about having to speak at MOPS next week.  All of such fretting will have to wait for the weekend.  A weekend which is already marked for a family camp out at the park and Noah's school's Fall Festival.  And football, of course!

Anna's birthday is in 2 weeks!  I have got some present wrapping to do and some birthday blogging to do, too.  And some birthday cake details to nail down, too.

It took me an entire week to contend with and finally conquer the dishes/dishwasher situation in our kitchen.  Small Kimmie fact - emptying the dishwasher is my least favorite chore.

I've had to go round and round with Noah's teacher and the principal again, but it seems we have a solution that is workable and careful about Noah's peanut allergy in the cafeteria.  If this ends up not panning out, then the next step is to have to go the "peanut-free table" route.  Here's a shot I forgot to post before.  It's Noah's little person that hangs in his classroom.  He's holding a Lego man and a piece of his Super Mario Bros. game box. :) 

MOPS has gotten off to a great start on so many different levels.  I am not as anxious about being on Steering Team, I have my first two crafts done so I feel better prepared for the job (I am in charge of Creative Activities), and I LOVE the friends I have at my new table.  Additionally, I love how Anna is making friends of her own, starting with this little smiley one who belongs to my table leader.

Got nothing to say about this picture.  I just like the light and the little people it is shining on.

EVERY DAY, the tradition when Josh gets home is for the kids to run and hide til he finds them.  And usually they hide in the same 2 places:  behind this curtain and/or behind the armoire door.  I have a real soft spot for this little family tradition.

Sep 3, 2011

Heading Out

We are going to my parent's house today for an overnight visit.  Noah and Anna are BESIDE themselves with excitement.  They have been sneaking in and out of their rooms since before dawn, working hard to stifle the thrilled anticipation that threatens to eat them alive.  I guess they've been making lists in their heads of all the necessities we'll need on the trip because these are the things they immediately listed to me that I should not forget to pack.  I think the difference in their choices is ... striking and hilarious. :)

Noah: bathing suits, underwear, bible
Anna: fairy wings, mermaid, herself

We're off in a couple hours if I can corral the kiddos that long.  Happy Labor Day weekend, y'all!

Sep 2, 2011

Noah's New Peeps

I was just checking out Noah's class web page; putting faces to names.  I giggle at the sound of Noah's newest buds as they roll off my tongue.  These are the names I hear after school every day.  These are the names of the friends who dig Mario Kart like him and wanna "sleep out" (camp out) with him soon.  These are the boys who engage Noah in such compelling conversations at lunch that he never finishes eating. These are the names and faces I need to get familiar with, I guess.  Which means, I guess I need to make a point to get to know their moms.  (Wait - I think the power just shifted in terms of who calls the shots about who I associate with - Weird!)   

Noah's newest peeps this school year are:
  • Owen
  • Nick
  • Wuke (Luke)
  • Brandon
Some fun notes:  Luke and Brandon, who I think are the room moms' kids, were the first friends Noah made this year. But it seems that as everyone has found their groove, Noah gravitates more toward these Owen and Nick fellows most.  Those two are also the cuties that shared in my lunch date with Noah last week.  And as I looked at their faces, I saw little men enjoying friendship at such an innocent stage of life.  I wondered if these would be long-term friendships. I also thought to myself, these must be the little guys I prayed for when I prayed that Noah would make friends that would be good influences.  :)

Anyway, I just think they sound like such a cute little posse of boys:  Noah, Owen, Nick, Luke, and Brandon.