Feb 22, 2011

Unsolved Mysteries

Someone Please Tell Me: 

- How I can convince Noah and Anna that it is NOT necessary to completely remove their pants when they use the potty.

- Why it is so terribly complicated for most drivers to merge without slowing down traffic completely.

- What the heck those oval-shaped 13.1 and 26.2 bumper stickers mean.

- What they mean when they say to use a cool iron - how would that work?!

 - Where my oomph went.


  1. 13.1 = half marathon

    26.2 = marathon

    They are runners :)

  2. Ahhhhhhhh. THAT'S why I had to not a clue. Running. :)

  3. Oomph - energy or desire to get anything done. (as taken from the Dictionary de Kimmie)

  4. I have a hard time merging without slowing down - guess I don't trust my
    own driving. I learned something new about "runner" - no wonder we non-runners wouldn't know that. In regards to Oomph - the spirit is often willing when the flesh is weak and sometimes the spirit is not willing - it needs a break!

  5. Shannon would be ashamed. I had NO clue what your 13.1 and 26.2 signs meant... and yet multiple times a week he goes out running in below freezing temps training for a half marathon in April. Shh! Don't tell him his wife was clueless. ;)

    As for your kiddos, I can't help you with that one... though I do know that every. single. one. of the preschoolers that I potty-trained during my 4 years of teaching did the exact same thing. :)

  6. Elizabeth, now you know a fun surprise to get him for when the marathon is over. :) You'll totally come off looking runner-savvy.
