Feb 2, 2011

In My World

In my world you cannot be relieved that Anna did not wipe her booger on the carseat.  When you ask where she put the booger she was yelling at, she will proudly say, "In my mouth!"

In my world, I share a living room with a strange concoction of characters.  No, I'm not speaking about my family.  I speak of Noah's scene setting and play: firemen, Batman, Jedi, medievil knights, and Lego men all battle on the same field.

In my world, I don't just put Anna to bed; I put Anna and her entire sleeping entourage to bed - Piggie, Teddy, Monkey, Pirate, Bunny, and Seahorse.

In my world, words are delicious.  My latest faves are bizarre, yikes, faithful, surrender, honeysuckle, whimsy, beware, machismo, cinema, rejoice, cityscape, dig, strumpet. homespun, and bonehead.


  1. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahah....I caught Natalie sucking her thumb and picking her nose with her first finger simultaneously....I told her to quit, and she said no, and kept on sticking it up there....soooooo gross!!!!

  2. okay, out of all that, I'm stuck on the fact that she yells at her boogers. Really? What does she say? Get in my mouth? Get out of my nose? What?!!!!

  3. I know - so odd, right? I couldn't quite make it out to be honest. But know this - she was speaking in a fierce, mad tone - like she was scolding it...except I didn't even know what IT was at first, because you don't expect your girl to be talking to a booger. That was a first.

  4. Lee just called me a bonehead the other night....can't remember what for though, LOL....

  5. Grossss! Yelling at her booger? LOL

    We all have booger stories. Jacob got in trouble at school just last week for wiping a booger on the wall. Yes...I was/am moritifed. I just wrote "YUCK and Sorry" on his behavior chart for that day. Why?
