Nov 17, 2010

We Made It

I made the shepherd costume out of a Jedi costume and curtain sheers.  Josh made the shepherd's staff from a branch off our tree.  Anna made a lot of noise and commotion.  Noah made an adorable David.



  1. Congratulations to the 4 of you!

    And yes... Noah made an ADORABLE shepherd. :)

  2. Good job Mommy and Daddy! Even better job Noah! He didn't look nervous a bit and made the cutest shepherd ever!

  3. Kimberly, you did such a great job in transforming the Jedi into a shepherd! Rebeka and I are both wondering what his lines were because the delivery of them looked just way too precious!!

  4. Oh, he only had one line: David was a shepherd boy. And for some reason he put big emphasis on the WAS part. I kept trying to show him how to say it better, but it was too late. It was already embedded in his head that way. :) Other then that, there were a number of songs whereby my David sung his little heart out with the group and did every single little motion they taught him.
