Mar 6, 2010

In Living Color

I have this automatic feel for color ... when I hear a word or a name, a certain color comes to mind. Today, just for fun, I jotted down some names of people that I have thought about and/or interacted with this week and listed the color I associate with them.

Laura - Red
Laura's new son, Samuel - Red and Brown
Heather - Brown
Heather's new son, Jeremiah - Green
Emily - Yellow
Brooklyn - Purple
Natalie - Yellow
Mas - Red and Green
Joshua - Green and Brown
Me - Red
Noah - Yellow
Anna - Orange and Pink
Elizabeth - Blue and Green
Shannon - Purple and Red
Noah's MDO teacher, Mrs. Kristie - Red
Carol - Red and Purple
Amy - Red and Orange
Morgan - Orange


  1. That's so funny, Kimmie. I do the same thing with numbers, associate them with colors. For some reason, yellow and blue make ten. Weird.

  2. Ooooh, numbers! I forgot that. I have color/number associations, too. Except my yellow and blues did not make ten. ;)

    1 - white
    2 - yellow
    3 - red
    4 - green
    5 - blue
    6 - green
    7 - orange
    8 - brown
    9 - purple/black
    10 - blue

  3. You two are cracking me up. Can't say that I have ever made color associations, but you are right on with me Kimmie. Red is by far my favorite color...always has been. I also tend to like brown.

  4. You pegged me! funny!

  5. Emily...if it helps, baby blue is the next color I see for you.

  6. hmph....I think of myself as a navy blue or deep red. You think of myself as a blah old stinking YELLOW. How did you come up with these colors for people! :)

  7. Oh Emily, poor thing ...the art of color associations is so relative and personal. You might very well still be a navy blue or deep red. Keep asking around.

    It's just that in my colored glasses you are a yellow. :)

  8. I see Emily as baby blue, too...or khaki and khaki a choice? : )

  9. C'mon a girl with my sort of oddball color associations going have a rule for ruling things out? Of course khaki is choice! :)

  10. I'll take khaki and green... sure beats yellow!!
