Feb 2, 2010

Noah Says

* Three days ago Noah got up from watching home videos on the computer and starting jumping around in pain. He kept crying out, "My sock hurting me! My sock hurting me!" Your sock? What?! Then we figured it out. His foot had fallen asleep and he had that prickly feeling you get when the blood starts flowing again. Too funny.

* We were headed out to Sam's today. Noah wanted to know if we would see Sam there. Try explaining that one to a three year old - why we won't see Sam at Sam's. Good grief.

* Apparently, Josh or myself let the word "butt" slip recently one way or the other, because it is all Noah can think about and therefore repeat. So taboo, you know. And of course, we have been talking to him about how that's not a nice word to say. But again, while streaking across him room after his bath tonight, he let yet another "butt" fly from his sweet little lips. I don't even remember what he said exactly, but I couldn't let it go.

Me: Noah, don't say that word. It's not nice. Say bootie or hiney instead.

Noah: Ok. I not say dat word. I not say butt. When I get older I say e-thing (read - anything). I say "butt" when I get older. Ok?

Me, taken aback: Um. Ok?

(I know, bad when-you-get-older advice, but I just could not process what he said fast enough. I did not expect him to say that. If I could go back an hour I would tell him that it still won't be nice to say when he gets older. But then - how to explain that he heard me or daddy say it to begin with. Ugh.)

1 comment:

  1. At least he is only saying "butt" - Levi got in trouble at school for saying "What the" (thankfully that was the extent of it). I have NO idea where he got it. ugh.

    Sam's...ha ha ha!
